I appreciate your explanatory interpolations. Although I am ignorant of this branch (and most others) of science, it is enjoyable to read your accessible research results! Nice to learn something new. Thanks. Keep 'em coming.

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Can't there just be different iq genes in different places. If you only measure iq genes from Europeans you're missing many other genes that contribute. So the more distantly related the more unique genes they have which you don't know what they do. You'd be missing half the picture.

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Yes, this is the private-allele issue. We investigated this before using genetic scores constructed only using variants that are at least present and slightly common in all groups. This didn't change the validity or means much. Major human populations do not have many private alleles that are important to polygenic traits (they are important to coloration traits!).

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Emil, thanks for another exciting and informative article. I always look forward to them.

As I have said, genetic research is the single most promising endeavor for humanity's ascent.

Also, most probably, human traits that manifest as a spectrum, such as height or IQ, are polygenetic in origin. I can not think of any other explanation.

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Such clear writing about subtle and complex genetic research! So rare. Thank you.

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Collecting more people's genetics might result in a data-set of people that do not realize the personal information will not stay with the studies and may one day be used by police to send a swat-team kicking-in their door and shoot their dog(s) .. because of their close match with DNA found at a crime. And because of police budgets they may not be willing to run that test again or a better one, so jail they sit. 6-9 months later with the donated & family money from family and friends, the better test shows some overlap with a distance relative you never met .. they a hair-width from 30 years in prison .. they hoping that the study he donated to went well.

I stopped donating blood after some large number of gallons - when I realize that they poor some-like ten samples into a container and then run an AIDs test on all ten and if positive then they dispose of all10, recording who they were from.

At the time Life-Insurance companies would have paid a staff member more than enough to send a copy of test all test and data results, and even if their blood was cleared after testing positive in the combo-10-test, that might be enough to make Life-Insurance and perhaps medicals-Insurance beyond their price range possible, and perhaps confusing issues like refusal of housing, or isolation from once friends because 'it is known' they failed an AIDs test ..

Good article. God Bless., Steven

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