I am hugely sympathetic to the intention behind this essay. But I have to say there is one baleful truth that it does not fully confront....namely that had whiteness not become degenerate it would not have allowed this pernicious anti-whiteness disease to have happened to itself. OK I am a pessimist but it seems to me that the white man's great creation - Enlightment liberal individualism (and all its wondrous wealth-creating dynamism) - tragically (and Icarus-like) always contained the seeds of its own eventual demise. I would love to be proved wrong.

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You seem to forget the Jewish question that’s rooted at the issue that the article doesn’t mention. Jews are at the center of many movements which are destroying the Western world be it the Frankfurt School, Marxism, Freudian psychology, boasnian anthropology, neoconservativism, nonwhite immigration, feminism, LGBT, Hollywood, academia, and big business which all pervades through society from the top down. Culture of critique by dr Kevin Macdonald goes over much of this that many jews feel it’s apart of their jewish identity to promote pluralistic liberal society. Also that the jewish religion believes that the White race, Christianity, Rome, and the West are the descendants of their ancient enemy called edom/amalek and that their messiah can only come forth if the seed of their enemies are blotted out. Many elite jews wish to create a one world government out of religious reasons because they believe their tribal god Yahweh has given the whole too the jews and that the gentiles shall be their slaves and ownership of all property and wealth will be in the jews hands.

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I grew up in an Orthodox Jewish family and I have never heard this kind of crazy bullshit you describe.

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I certainly would never lump all Jews together, philosophically, religiously, or politically. But Zionism is impossible to defend.

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> But Zionism is impossible to defend.

Right because Jews are supposed to just bend over and take it when Arabs attempt to kill or kidnap them.

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We have different perspectives on the Israeli situation.

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Yes, mine is based on the reality and yours isn't.

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FWIW, I don't think that people like myself, a US citizen with no genetic, commercial, or cultural connection with either party in the conflict, need to take a moral position on the conflict.

It looks to me like a localized tribal war, part of an on-going blood feud, and this can only be solved--if indeed it can ever be solved--by the participants. There are abstruse, essentially bogus, connections to the US based on either political/financial influence and/or moral considerations, but outside of that, it has little effect on my daily life, nor can I control it in any fashion, and this makes it prime candidate for non-involvement.

Just my two cents...

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There are plenty of defenses of Zionism, but increasingly only one reason to criticize Zionism.

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Europe's leading rabbi has recently said jews and Muslims must form alliances at every level of European society to oppose the continent"s nationalist parties who oppose mass immigration.

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Do you have a link for that?

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Sounds like the Reform Rabbi.

BTW, Reform Judaism is the Jewish version of Unitarian Universalism.

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Your use of pilpul isn’t working. People are waking up to what your race is doing to the world. I read the noahide laws and I know that many orthodox rabbis very much support them such as rebbe schneerson, ovadia yosef, etc.

The beliefs in Talmud and Kabbalah are coming to the public’s knowledge everyday

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Richard Hanania describes well what a group of stupid losers the antisemites are. It is mental pus that people publicly discharge.

And the Noahide laws are minimal rules for a proper society, such as avoiding eating animals while they are alive or the obligation to establish a judicial system.

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The Ashkenazim who founded the state of Israel and who still control are not a semitic people. The people of Gaza who are now being massacred are a semitic people, and may even be the closest living relatives of the ancient Hebrews.

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You say antisemites are losers but you never say they’re wrong.

Why don’t you talk about the killing of idol worshippers in the noahide laws?

The promotion of enslaving of gentiles in the book of deutoronomy?

The hateful statements in the Talmud about gentiles saying that we’re not human, that we are to be your slaves when the messiah comes, that it is not immoral to lie, steal, or cheat us?

Or the demonic beliefs rooted in the Kabbalah about worshipping and summoning demons, necromancy, or intimacy with children see Jeffrey Epstein and the chabad lubavitch tunnels in NYC earlier this year?

Face it, you know that more and more nonjews are becoming aware of the jewish question especially right now with many jews in the west openly promoting anti White politics like Jonathan greenblatt, Larry fink, mark cuban, or Seth Rogan to name but a few or the what the state of Israel is doing to the Palestinians by denying food and water too the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire between

Hamas and the idf. If Israel wanted to repair their reputation with the rest of the world they would treat the Palestinians with more fairness but they don’t. The Israeli government wants to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians through expulsion to other countries such as the very same western world that is forced to put up with the Zionist agenda via bribes and blackmail of western leaders or outright butchery. If I was a jew I be worried about the rise of White identity politics in the west that will in the long run express discussion of the jewish question or the woke/diversity golem that jews pushed to destroy their gentile hosts is now coming home to attack them because in their eyes jews fit the whole colonist racist oppressor. The only reason there hasn’t been a pogram yet is because jews have immense institutional power however that can change with many nonwhites clamoring for it themselves in western institutions not too mention many pro White advocates will either seek power in existing institutions or make their own counter ones.

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> You say antisemites are losers but you never say they’re wrong.

Most of your rants are barely coherent enough to even be wrong.

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Whatever came before Enlightenment evidently sowed the seeds of its own demise too

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Agree (almost) fully.

One interesting phenomenon that has been appearing lately in the press is the willingness of progressives to say things like "white supremacy is now multi-racial!"

Conservatives like to laugh at the absurdity of this, but there is an underlying truth at issue (this is a pattern in American discourse: conservatives deny a truth or consider it too weird to think about, liberals notice, but their raw illogic or hatred make them miss its import). The truth here is that a strong, affirmative white identity attracts many of the better members of minority communities. And it doesn't repel anyone; it reflects normal human psychology, comprehensible to everyone except liberal whites, whose ingroup antipathy is indeed a weird pathology. Racial self-flagellation doesn't induce sympathy from nonwhites, but just makes them more hateful and suspicious.

A second, more nuanced point about the "multiracialism" of "whiteness" is this, and it constitutes my main disagreement here: Contrary to the arguments about liberalism and race made above, there is a fundamental way in which group identity is in tension -- at least partly -- with the idea of a liberal society. And that's the fact that race is not a fully voluntary association; this is why "Hispanic white nationalist" seems funny to us in the same way that Rachel Dolezal does.

You fellas have done some other good pieces here about the death of liberalism, and this problem intersects with the ones addressed in those essays. The truth is rather messy, because we can't quite adopt Franklin's perspective in "Increase of Mankind" -- we have too varied a population now and most of us find it overly restrictive. But its central attitude about white racial pride would nonetheless still be helpful. Immigration bans and deportations are needed. But there are also a fair number of Hispanics and Asians who just want to be on a winning team. We have to give them one to be on, even if they don't always possess the "correct" phenotype.

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> One interesting phenomenon that has been appearing lately in the press is the willingness of progressives to say things like "white supremacy is now multi-racial!"

To the leftists "Whiteness" ultimately means the ability to maintain a civilization.

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Well, I think they'd prefer to blame whites alone -- it's convenient in terms of the rest of what they profess to believe... but at a certain point they become exasperated when others won't play their games either.

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I cannot find any lasting material meaning in the term "white" or "whiteness." Where does it begin and where does it end? Is someone from Ireland the same as someone Finland the same as someone from Italy? What about Bulgaria? Slovenia? Estonia? Catalonia? It's a dead end.

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It's not rocket science: There is a physical human type by which European are uniquely identified. That human type is called, among other things, "the white race", and it is indigenous to the continent.

And while it's true that the borders of the white race can be blurry (think of Sicilians) just like the borders between the day and the night are not clean-cut, that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just because the dusk exists doesn't mean the day and the night don't. Nobody wonders, "My oh my, where does it begin and where does it end?" For 90% of the people, you know who's what; the remaining 10% are what we might call "white-adjacent", and that's fine too.

The indigenous peoples from the countries you mentioned are pretty much all white.

So pretending that, if tomorrow, Europe were swamped by black Africans, that wouldn't be a change of race as a result, or that Europe would still remain Europe in any way nominally and geographically, is ridiculous.

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Race is a fiction, and we are its authors.

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"Race is a fiction, and we are its authors."

Could you clarify this? You could show why, for example, "the borders between the day and the night are not clean-cut, but that doesn't mean the day and the night don't exist just because the dusk does" ... is wrong, or an incorrect analogy.

"Is someone from Ireland the same as someone Finland the same as someone from Italy? What about Bulgaria? Slovenia? Estonia? Catalonia?"

By Julian Tryst's analogy (and my understanding), it appears that every one of the national group vs race group inclusion/exclusion decisions, like day vs night, is a judgment call over a continuum. But it's based on genetic proportions resulting in (unofficial) certain characteristics, just as the recent (official) re-definition of an instance of a planet or not is based on similar judgment calls.

The fact that there is no "official" definition (AFAIK, and yet) doesn't mean the idea of race is nonsense. It is not based on a completely imagined and thus "fictional" gut feel (ironically, based instead on cultural fuzzy boundaries, which are somehow deemed *very* real).

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Are Ethiopians a different "race" than Nigerians?

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Yes. There seem to be 4 or 5 black races in Africa, if one considers the genetic information that's emerging.

Negroes (Bantus), Pygmies, Bushmen, and East Africans. Each is as distinct from each other as any one is to the entirety of Eurasian humanity.

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Demian Entrekin appears stuck on the boundary problem: sharp boundary -vs- fuzzy boundary = race (can?) exist -vs- race doesn't exist. More importantly, with his replies he's not stepping up to address the question (i.e. with an actual argument that does this) -- he's ignoring the question.

Accordingly, none of the information you provided would matter to him.

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Ethiopians have a Semitic admixture which explains why they have had the historic" jewish" community the falashas.

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This is a great example of why it's hard to generalize about our commonplace ideas of "race" and to take a nuanced, curious, scientific view of individuals and groups.

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Did you read what I wrote?

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European. Cmon you know what white means. And yes, in broad terms we are similar to each other. This is why we have nations with millions banging on the door to get in. We build good things. Stable things. As do some other cultures. But in the west, it’s white folks, Europeans if you will.

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That's called the continuum fallacy.

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That might be true if I were arguing for a continuum. But I'm not. I'm arguing that different distributes groups of socalled "whites" do not represent a meaningful continuum. It is at best a hodgepodge of dispersed clusters. At best. And individuals should not be asked to represent their socalled "race" group.

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That is it, right there in a nutshell; there is absolutely no rational in any of it; accept if you just wanted to entertain yourself by sticking a needle in the arm of society to hear the squeals, and it works so well.

Dumping people down; taking the mind from independence to comforted feeding. From great minds, full of ideas and wonder, to those on events and the trivia around them, to talking about self, controlled by a switch.

Example calculators; when they entered the school, the question was will it dumb us down; we believed no, we can now do more. Not realizing we just gave over our thinking to a machine...

We heard the same negative effect, removing the will of man, with ventilators recently...

The only way out is magically the way they put us in; the tv; if our social master does not tell us the truth, they will continue with the lie.

Then there is the varying levels of perception that stymie conversation; we can perceive brainwashing until it relates to ourselves. Each persons ability to perceive, is at varying levels that each person assumes is the same as the others.

When we stand in agreement, we inadvertently are never together, although standing for the same reason...not all understand why.

Well until now; its the white guy...

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Sign me up Bo🎉 Whens the first meeting 😂

Whites are not superior to blacks. They simply have different racial group means and distributions of many physiological and cognitive factors. IQ and criminality being two of the most salient factors.

That's the real cause of disparate racial group outcomes, not racism. 😘

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This is the single worst post I have read at Aporia. You are buying into race essentialism and allowing your supposed ideological opponents to set the terms of the debate. White is even more ridiculous than Hispanic or Asian as a classification.

What exactly is “white identity?” If you mean Western Civilization, say that. Frederick Douglass is a much better champion of our founding principles than Robin D’Angelo. Focusing on race rather than ideas (or merit) plays right into the hands of lunatics.

I agree with thinkers like Coleman Hughes who would like to see us move past this moment and judge people as individuals. You can still study demographic differences, but in order for them to be useful, the categories have to meaningful. This piece, quite frankly, is exactly what keeps many people from exploring those differences.

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If you want to do away with racial identities, you must convince blacks and Jews to disarm first. Blacks see *nothing but* race. It is an all-consuming concern to them. Jews aren't quite as obsessed, but when they feel that their racial interests are threatened, they raise a stink like no other. So let me re-write your little screed:

"Black is even more ridiculous than Hispanic or Asian as a classification.

What exactly is “black identity?” If you mean African Civilization, say that. Ibram Kendi is a much better champion of our founding principles than Abraham Lincoln. Focusing on race rather than ideas (or merit) plays right into the hands of lunatics."

Go tell a black person this nonsense and see what they have to say about it, then come back and let us know how it went.

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Nailed it.

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White means European, this is easy. If everyone else is identifying and proud so should whites(Europeans) Northern Europeans in particular

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Instead of calling us White, which refers to the color of our skin, better to call us European, which is the name of a culture and of those peoples who created that culture and handed it down to future generations.

It is good to remember that not every people with white skin is European.

It is also good to remember that the defining elements of European culture did not originate entirely—perhaps not even mostly—within continental Europe itself. Think Central Asia, Turkey, Syria, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Asia minor, the Levant, and points east: Persia, India, China, New Zealand and Australia. To say nothing of the Americas, whose contributions are plain for everyone to see.

And let us not overlook sub-Saharan Africa, which conferred upon the human race the power of speech itself and, with it, the very possibility of culture, for better or worse, upon which every human society depends.

It is the assimilation and the integration of diverse elements from all over the world with its own unique inventions and discoveries that has resulted in what can only be described as not only the most creative but also the best civilization in history by far, for which the whole world should be (and as a matter of fact largely is) thankful.

Now granted, a terrible human price was paid to build the modern world.* But that is what makes it sacred. To throw it all away in a fit of absentmindedness or spite would be the greatest sin imaginable.

*See here for some details: https://shorturl.at/ftYg9

Also here: https://shorturl.at/uOU3v

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I agree, we need to stop all divisional reasoning, and just stick with reality; using it as the backdrop to know what is fiction and what is reality; as soon as you are allowed to redefine nature, you begin to redefine perception and all the confusion that follows. With science alone, the study of what is, we would know God better than we do now; the question is would we know studying reality is the God we pray to??? God said all is one; any diversion from that is a lie. We are the single problem in Gods eyes. In our social truth, it is the yin and the yang; no matter how you break it down, God is correct. Specific to this conversation it is not nations, nor people it is a single group called the cabal who control it all. They love how we point fingers discussing the events; never at them; they actually pay people to keep you in that mind set of non-discovery. As per keeping what they built over top of the rest? No. I do however agree to dig up what is sacred.

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Kevin writes:: "With science alone, the study of what is, we would know God better than we do now..." Ralph Waldo Emerson could have said that. Nice.

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For me, God is the fairest and most beautiful possible thing imaginable, given everything we know. Whether such a God actually exists is another matter altogether.

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The following is a path...keep going if you can...God is real...therefore God is reality...therefore God is...Science studies what is, as religion only backs up to the memory of self; it only recalled standing upright...

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Amen. I am proud of what my ancestors have built. Will never cower from the haters. Don’t hate anyone, but our people built this country, by and large, and I’m damn proud.

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"The claim seems to be that the West is not pervaded by or defined by whiteness, but that it is open and tolerant and cosmopolitan—a set of ideas and institutions that are not defined by race or ethnicity.

As a historical claim, this is obviously false. The West—and its cultural offshoots—was created by white people. Before the 1900s, this was so self-evident that few bothered to articulate it."

Excellent point.

"The West is pervaded by whiteness for an obvious reason: White people created and maintained Western civilization."

To me, Western civilization is the greatest civilization, despite some of the terrible injustices that can be honestly attributed to it.

One must understand that the current anti-European, anti-whiteness, or whatever you wish to call it, did not rise to the surface by accident, not at all. There is a purpose for this madness: to destroy the fabric of our society. This, along with other acts of societal disruption, will allow the Deep State to divide and conquer the West. These people are evil megalomaniacs.

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Why do so many whites participate so fervently in anti-whiteness? This is a unique phenomenon, so far as I am aware. Nowhere else in the world, perhaps nowhere else in history period, do we observe a particular race or ethnicity engaging in such great degrees of self-hatred.

The most plausible explanation that I know of is that "anti-whiteness" is actually a form of intra-white conflict. Liberal whites, the ruling class, deploy all of these "anti-white" tropes against their natural political enemies, conservative whites. When Rome had conquered the known world, what eventually happened? Rome's conflicts turned inward, and the empire was ravaged far more from civil wars within than it ever was from external threats beyond its borders. The barbarians only came in to loot its corpse after it had already committed suicide.

I believe we can see a similar situation in the post-WWII White West. With the rest of the world effectively pacified, and no genuine external threats to contend with, our rulers correctly determined that the greatest threat to their power was now internal--it was a competing faction of whites. And they acted accordingly, making alliances with blacks and whoever else they could scrape together in order to suppress this threat.

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> Why do so many whites participate so fervently in anti-whiteness?

Have you read David Hackett Fischer's "Albion's Seed"?

My theory is that this started out as a fight between the Post-Puritains and what Fischer calls "Borderers" (sometimes misleadingly called "Scots-Irish" or Rednecks). However, both groups looked alike, there weren't hard boundaries between them, there weren't even widely used terms for these groups. People from one group simply observed that the other group had habits they didn't like. Terms like "White" to refer specifically to the Borderers and occasionally WASP to refer to the Post-Puritains were thrown about. However, technically both groups were White and WASPs.

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It’s narcissism pure and simple; since our people are not really different than any other in terms of bad events in history, it’s important to show that they are the ‘good ones’ by tearing down our ancestors.

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Bo says that progressives are defecting in a game where conservatives naively believe they're cooperating. But conservatives into classical liberalism and individualism don't even believe they're playing the same game (theory), so the analysis of cooperation/ defector is a kind of category error.

Bo wants the right to accept the woke premise that race is highly important. He's asking conservatives to play cricket when they'd rather play golf.

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Passing off your white supremacist screed as an academic essay is cute, Bo, but I’ve never read as many silly assumptions, sweeping generalizations and oddball fantasies in one shoddy piece of writing in my life. Not a mention of the amazingly spiritual original peoples of this country, eliminated in 500 years of white-perpetrated genocide, reeducation and displacement (go, team Euro). Not a word about the millions of Africans subjugated to slave labor to build much of this country and the 160 years of Jim Crow disenfranchisement to make sure their descendants never get a fair shake (go, KKK). No wonder Marietta didn’t want your stench on their campus. I’m all for academic freedom, but schools have standards, and Marietta does have its reputation to consider. I shudder to think what the US would be if our white ancestors hadn’t brought Africans here, if we weren't absorbing millions of fantastic Hispanics every year, if we were nothing but US white culture. Like Aporia, pure depressing shite.

Get on an airplane, go visit some cultures, get out of your eddy. See how lovely people are when they aren't so twisted up with white fear. Or don't. Stay in your incel backwater with your Nazi ilk, like M Mccracken, but please keep Herman Melville out of your ignorant mouth.

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"I shudder to think what the US would be if our white ancestors hadn’t brought Africans here, if we weren't absorbing millions of fantastic Hispanics every year, if we were nothing but US white culture."

Yes, the United States would be unrecognizable, the crime rate would be minimal, and the Civil War would never have happened. Trillions of dollars would have been saved on wasteful government programs.

Your insipient comment has troll written all over it.

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Because I find this piece fatuous and ridiculous, I'm a troll? Okay then, guess I'm a troll. But not a professional troll like Bo Windygard.

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Bo Winegard is reasonable and makes rational arguments for his points. You just point and shriek "Wacist, KKK, Hitler, Bad".

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"Because I find this piece fatuous and ridiculous, I'm a troll?"

No, because your comments were rude, melodramatic, and gratuitous.

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There’s nothing ridiculous about it. The United States and western civilization was created by whites. That’s a fact. In fact, all of your liberal ideas were also created by white men. The original habitants of America is white men. Indian tribes didn’t create America. How many of the founding fathers were Indian? Also, you seem to disparage Europeans for conquest. Why? What civilization was ever created in the world without conquest? Look at the empires of world history. Most of them aren’t white. How do you think they created empires? Through peace and harmony?

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Hey Bob -- in case you haven't noticed, nudism has a white supremacy problem. Clean up your own backyard first.

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First, nudism has a white problem, not a white supremacy problem, but modern nudism is pretty inclusive, and second, you don't know what I do to get people of all colors involved, so don't give me advice about something you know nothing about. And I'm not writing unsupported scummy little screeds about it.

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I honestly thought you were a joke. Others did, too. Consider that the next time the idea of commenting here strikes you.

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Please ...

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Just friendly advice. You're not here to engage in good faith, and your profile reads like a boomer cartoon. Your time would be spent better elsewhere.

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Well, you got that right, but if you've got a public forum where you make grandiose assumptions and generalizations supported by nothing but the racist flotsam of your own brain, you can't expect everyone to find you brilliant.

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We won! Tough shit dude. White and proud!!!! Get over yourself and stop hating yourself white dude, have you hurt any indigenous people? Me either, so shut up.

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What is this? The fifth grade playground?

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Indigenous people" slaughtered and enslaved each other mercilessly, stealing and conquering land whenever they could. We conquered their lands just as they had conquered the same lands. The law of conquest. All people, everywhere, lived by it. The Natives” came here and fought over the land. The Europeans came here and fought over the land. And yet you want to place all of the moral guilt on the latter group. It’s totally absurd and ahistorical. You could go out right this minute and live a primitive life free of all of western civilization's innovations, but you don't because you're utterly and completely full of shit

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Here's some tourist destinations for you-Baltimore black districts are great all year around, Port au Prince is a Caribbean hidden gem, Johannesburg is a fabulous time travelling experience with its power outtages.

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Robert Curry, your comment makes you sound unhinged.

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"Blacks built much of this country"-they built jackshit. Cotton and tobacco picking was the extent of it. It all either went up in smoke (just like what they do to cities when they're let riot)or wore out and became dust.

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Looks to me that you're confusing all white people with white sociopaths (or whatever the racial/cultural version of sociopathy is) -- a set of aggressive, attractive, intelligent, adventure-seeking, charismatic, rich, etc. who self-selected *from* that racial group, indulged in what power those advantages brought them, and, yes, who also led/forced the rest of the racial group to widely conform, in thought and action, over subsequent centuries, in the ways you and I and most whites now criticize. But these conquerors and subjugators are not representative in any necessary ways to the racial group as a whole, or you (as a white, yes?) would be promoting the same things today.

I learned long ago that confusing a person's physical (immutable) characteristics with elective ones is racism, sexism, etc. But as the true goals of the instigators have shifted, and the lessons of a half-century ago are now being flipped upside down, and we are now all being led to judge specifically by race, sex, etc.

Now, if "white" is "not every white person" (as I've been told by some), then a sophistic conflation is clearly being applied to browbeat that subset of [white] people who are calling out what I just did. It is another layer of propaganda, or as the IC calls it, a "psy-op".

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Oikophobia (Greek: oîkos, 'house, household' + phóbos, 'fear'; related to domatophobia and ecophobia) is an aversion to a home environment, or an abnormal fear (phobia) of one's home and also a tendency to criticize or reject one's own culture and praise other cultures.

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I'm not rejecting my culture. It's not a zero sum game. I appreciate everything I have and appreciate many other cultures. I have to say, though, white supremacist culture is the least interesting, most dismal and depressing one of all. I can't imagine drawing lines around whiteness and making it my cause, getting to the end of my life and realizing I spent my life in a cultural shoebox.

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Sorry it doesn’t appear that way to me. Oh I don’t agree with supremacy of any nation but I prefer my own culture to dominate the country I live in and that my ancestors built. I get annoyed when people, who aren’t forced to live here btw, do nothing but complain about it. You don’t prefer it, don’t let the door bump your backside on the way out to where you feel the most comfortable and interested in. When in Rome do as the Romans do; it’s simply good manners.

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I didn't complain about it. I just said that this essay, like most of this stack is a bunch of unsupported white supremacist maundering passed off as philosophizing, and most of the commenters are wounded little men who are afraid of their shadows because they aren't white. I'm Swiss, Scots, English, Dutch, a little Iberian peninsula, but who am I to think my European heritage matters in the grand scheme of the world. It's so limiting, so meager, so spiritually bereft as a world outlook. Life is short. Love the best, help the worst, and if you get a chance, punch a Nazi.

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No other group of people in the world thinks like a white liberal. You lack cultural identity and that’s a problem. Heritage and culture are hugely important to everyone except white liberals and that’s the problem. 1st world societies in Europe, America, Canada are being destroyed by self loathing white liberals because they feel guilty for being history’s winners. As a white man I'd like to apologize for the many deeds of white western men. I apologize for modern medicine and science, for space travel, for electricity and air conditioning, for democracy, for human rights, for computers and plumbing and the printing press. I'm so sorry.

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Sigh. Like with Bret Weinstein,I rode the Aporia train for as long as I could but the ratio of good criticism of progressive BS to audience captured rabbithole silliness borne of grievance and internet culture has become too disfavorable. Watching the anti-woke - a once needed corrective - become the new woke is a good object lesson of how little people can turn their critical facilities inward. Want to understand how wokeness got so crazy in babysteps? Just watch the anti-woke discourse the last few years. Same dynamic. New boss same as the old boss.

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I have a friend who wrote an article defending racial pride. It seems to be closely related with this article: https://gnew.substack.com/p/racial-pride-is-okay.

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Great article. I do agree that increasing white identity will be important to combating anti-white ideology and wokism in general. I'm only half-white, but I don't think that even mixed-whites will be immune to anti-white racism or treatment as the demographics and Overton Window continue to shift.

Thuletide is a white supremacist (which I dislike), but he has nonetheless done a great job on writing articles and data detailing anti-white ideology and propaganda in the West, which I've compiled on my site: https://zerocontradictions.net/FAQs/race-FAQs#anti-white-ideology-in-west.

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You can see the US origins of so much of the anti white thought processes. But in Europe the whole continent is confined in the EU/NATO straitjacket. This hybrid seeks to defend sovereign borders with Russia up to nuclear conflict yet enacts open borders to Africans and Asians and jails any politicians who threaten to deport anyone permanently. The future of the EU was revealed in 2016 by Peter Sutherland (once described as the "father of globalism")in a speech to the Uks House of Lords just before the country's" Brexit" referendum that mass immigration and miscegenation was the way to permanently eradicate the identity of each and every European nation in the name of globalism. Sarkozy former French president has said that miscegenation should be encouraged and then made mandatory. So the quiet part is now being relayed by loudhailer.

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