So called "diversity" is not only- Not a strength, or a blessing, or a generic "good", and it is, in fact, a curse on a culture, society, nation, state or city. Homogeneity works the best, at every level. Cultural, racial, and societal "blending" is a universal bad. It causes endless problems, and that's before political or governmental agencies decide to weaponize it.

There is no rational excuse for it, it has a zero success track record, and it especially isn't working today, when "racial diversity" also means the intermingling of peoples from vastly different cultures, religions, societal norms, IQ's, and their collective ability to operate in the same society.

The very idea that you can bring some uneducated, uncultured, and ignorant serf from Somalia, or Sudan, or Syria, and just drop them into a first world, thriving, bustling, technologically advanced metropolis, and expect them to "adapt" is absurd on it's face! Does anybody even claim that the inverse would work?

Also, one doesn't have to be a genius to recognize that there is NO INVERSE! No non-white countries are being encouraged, or for that matter, forced, to take in millions of White Europeans! Why not? Wouldn't that "diversity" help their nations, just as it supposedly "helps" ours? Nope, that's diversity is called "colonialism".

Moreover, even if there were any proof that "diversity" had any upside, whatsoever, which there is not, that still doesn't mean that people need to want it, choose it, or accept it!

It's not necessary, nor needed.

People deserve the Human Right to choose homogeneity! It's been the foundation of nations, regions, religions, and even city states for thousands and thousands of years, and those are the eras of human existence that got us to here! Thus, we advanced the entire human race with ZERO DIVERSITY, and therefor, we have ZERO NEED for it today!

End of story!

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Unfortunately the people making these decisions don't see your version. They meet Rajiv, the 135 IQ oxford educated Indian who speaks better English than them and is far more refined and well read than they are. They are frankly shocked that anyone could have any objections to the homogenized, deracinated version of diversity they encounter. They believe that 'people are all the same' because the people they meet are all the same, in fact they have more in common with Rajiv than with the working class of their own country, which they find foreign and a bit scary.

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I agree, except I don't accept that "they believe that people are all the same". They know better, and are using weaponized illegal immigration to humiliate the population. They step over the same junkies in DC, as the people in LA step over theirs. They know the havoc they wreak, and it's 100% intentional, just like all of the other ritual humiliation efforts.

However, I'm fortunate, because I live in a state that still has the demographics of 1960 America.

In this day, never assign incompetence, to that which can be explained with malice.

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Why do they do it?

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Because a polyglot babel is easier to rule and control, than a united people with common culture, goals, language, customs and desires. Do you see any unity achieved within the existing "hyper-diverse" communities? No, all you see is division, in-fighting, disparity and jealousy, strife, conflict, and complete disunity.

The results speak for themselves.

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Polyglot babels are patently not easy to rule. That is the point of the babel story, and it is also common sense.

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Except we've never had a unified culture or language. Before, the outsiders were Jews, Slavs, Irish, Italians, and Scandinavians. Since then, those groups have blended in as the more recent arrivals are in the process of doing.

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"We never had a unified culture or language", but "those groups blended in".

Okay, good luck selling that tripe to someone else, but not me.

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But the elites always rule regardless of the agenda, so it is not a question of gaining power.

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Globohomo on the March - the highest elites, not their useful “woke” idiots, are laughing at us all.

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I think that to a very large degree they can live insulated from the results of the rapidly diversifying populace. Combine this with the desire to occupy the highest possible moral ground when making a public statement about themselves, and between being able to dodge effects like the degradation of the public school system from Pre-K thru college baccalaureate by sending children to private schools and having a deep personal insecurity that can only be assuaged by as many "likes" as possible, that's your average upper-upper-middle and wealthy progressive in a nutshell.

Note that these are *not* the policy makers, they simply follow the ideological lead of the policy makers. I think the actual policy makers are driven by the possibility for self, or group, gain.

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Did you run amok in Kent?

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Unfortunately, Rajiv isn’t the typical illegal immigrant flooding across the border at the moment. We are not getting the best and brightest from around the world.

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"Homogeneity works the best at every level" is a difficult notion to square with the globe-bestriding financial, military and cultural dominance of the United States.

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Perhaps, but "the globe-bestriding financial, military and cultural dominance of the United States" is done largely through brute force; financial malfeasance, political corruption, global media monopolies, and a "do it or die" military confrontational style that dispenses "freedom" from the barrel of a gun.

Most countries hate us, hate our influence, and hate being our proxy states.

None of that relates to their own national homogeneity, and in fact, pretty much usurps it.

We got a long ways by exporting "blue jeans, Marilyn Monroe, and Elvis", but as soon as that ended, we followed it up by pissing-on most every country in the world, and "forcing" them to "Americanize", or else.

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Be that as it may, it's a notably non-homogenous superpower that's holding the bayonet against much more homogenous counterparts, as has been the case at a variety of different points in our history.

There's a banal literalism to "diversity is our strength" on some level.

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"Be that as it may, it's a notably non-homogenous superpower that's holding the bayonet against much more homogenous counterparts, as has been the case at a variety of different points in our history."

But this superpower is controlled by a very homogenous Deep State made up of nothing but rapacious megalomaniacs. 'Diversity is our strength' is just one of many Acts of Societal Disruption used to increase and maintain their control.

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You're correct - no non-white countries are being forced to take in millions of white Europeans. They were already forced to do that centuries ago.

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Yes 'diversity' is a lie....but I would go further. The whole leftist 'progressive' mentality is a 100 year-old lie; one that tells itself that it is about 'caring' whereas in reality it is much more driven by envy, resentment and small-minded spite.

Conservatices have for too long indulged the idea of Left and Right as equally valid but alternative viewpoints. It is one of the great delusions of Western thinking. In its modern form, the Left is merely a mentality of narcissism. It is a shallow white middle class mind-game that invents equally shallow 'causes' (anti-xyzisms and anti-xyzphobias) in order for them to feel nicer and more sophisticated than their white fellows. Bit ranty I realise....but basically true in broad-brush terms!

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I wonder what proportion of the Elite SINCERELY subscribe to the "Dogma of Zero Group Differences" ( DZGD as John Derbyshire called it). If it was true the stakes would be much lower. But shit! Today I heard Amy wax say there's a USA airline that has dropped standardized testing for screening new air traffic controller recruits!!

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Fantastic thumbnail

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Back in the 1990s I used to listen to a lot of AM (talk) radio. I still recall constantly getting barraged by little 15 sec pro-diversity spots courtesy some propaganda arm of the deep state known as "The Ad Council". I just Googled them and apparently they're still around spreading their leftist crap...

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A left-wing term is an Orwellian lie? Never!

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"Appeals to diversity are almost invariably used to subvert meritocratic principles at the expense of white people."

Meritocratic principles are a must for a thriving ascending society.

As I have said before, diversity (anti-white racism) is one of several Acts of Societal Disruption used to destroy the fabric of our civilization.

Bo, thanks for a great article.

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These wastes of space will say shit like "The Global Majority is underrepresented in British firms" with a straight face. Go work at your own damn firms, there's only one Britain. They're self-aware of their mission of ethnic cleansing at this point.

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Veritas from one of my heroes. Go, Bo, Go.

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Let us not forget also that because it’s no longer ok to just be a regular heterosexual white person, we’ve made all sorts of labels under the queer umbrella to allow white people an oppressed identity for adoption. The connection between white guilt and gender ideology is rarely made but im increasingly convinced that they’re related and that antiracism caused the explosion in gender nonconformance.

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This is good thinking, we’ll expressed, & far too subtle for the people who really need o read it! ‘Diversity’ is of course actually a *neutral* value. Being in favour of ‘diversity’ is like being in favour of ‘shapes’ or ‘Thursdays’. There are plenty of diversities that virtually no one is in favour of - a diversity of methods of torture, for instance. Therefore those who claim to be in favour if diversity are really just saying they’re in favour if the *kind* of diversity that they approve of. Well, that doesn’t distinguish them from anyone. We can all make the same claim. Even Stalin was in favour of the kind of diversity that he approved of. So was Pol Pot and so was Mao.

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I’m afraid I read “white” and “black” in discussions which might be more meaningful to be about the pseudoscience of race. An “Elite” who discusses it is categorically a subscriber to superstition and pseudoscience. Not really elite material. It has

The same truth value as astrology or studies of physiognomy. It’s astonishing that we’re still here in 2024.

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Did you know saying that astrology is not a science is a demeaning, violent form of misogyny?

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I thought it was


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You got me. I had to look that one up. Is this term commonly used? I cannot tolerate modern television, and I had to give up NPR when they lost their minds during COVID. I have no idea what American-born young people are like. My only young friends are my wife's friends, all of which are immigrants.

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I think whites are actually still holding all the resources at the top but using people of color to hide their agenda, while granting these favored POC elite status contingent on not questioning the class project. I also think the place of Asian Americans is frequently overlooked, as we are used for their ends when convenient and denied the fruits of merit when inconvenient in favor of black and Latino people who are consider underrepresented. So, we are punished for achievement.

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Agree in principle, but would edit your first sentence to this: "I think *that the .001% of* whites are actually still holding all the resources at the top but using people of color to hide their agenda, while granting these favored POC elite status contingent on not questioning the class project." Not questioning the class project is KEY.

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I would actually argue it’s the top 5% - the PMC who serve the 0.001%

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In the US the civil rights bill and the immigration act of the 60s was the foundation for it all. But the sexual revolution and the ensuing feminism has also played a huge part because it started the era of sub replacement birth rates across the western world.The Democrat party's unholy alliances of Irish Americans, jews, blacks and southern whites have been the most zealous in promoting diversity on the political stage. And given that the rogues gallery (I'm putting it politely BTW)of Democrats responsible includes the whole of the Kennedy clan, Biden and the proverbial fat bastard (UK speak)Michael Moore whose book "Stupid White Men" goes as far back as 2005 so it's probably worth looking more closely at that ethnic element. The Irish emigrants carried with them a deep hatred of their English rulers on arriving in the USA and they settled in WASP areas and were looked down upon and discriminated against and with the Republicans being the party of those WASPS to vote for them was seen almost like voting for their English oppressors. So it suits the agenda to have an Irish American male out front rather than a non white, Italian, female etc. On NPR radio when talking about how the Democrats were making sure that Trump's Republicans wouldn't win Michigan again Moore quipped-"We got rid of the white guys".Which brings me to the reality that millions of white women have benefitted from the diversity drive and most continue to see it that way so it's impossible to do anything with that being true.

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Uhh, have you ever actually met any Irish-Americans? Your statement sounds like future fiction written in the 1800's. The old Irish union men are a dying breed, and most of their kin long ago moved to the Republican Party, like most Catholics.

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My reply was highlighting the historical input of the Irish Americans to the Democrat party. Arguably the most important element amongst what could be called the founding fathers of the modern Democrat party. Relics Biden and Michael Moore might be but they sure have been effective in their anti white spiel

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Falling birth rates are an effect of urbanization, not some evil plot by Democrats. I sometimes wonder if what people like you really want is feudalism - a tiny cabal of hereditary leaders with total control over the vast masses, enslaved and kept from rebelling by promises of the hereafter.

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I never said that falling birthrates were an evil plot by Democrats rather that they celebrated the declining white population most of all. They are actually the result of female choice and whereby just by existing they're given a privileged status in society with the educational and legal scructures elevating them still further. While the current issue for them has become the" gender pay gap "which is purely emotionally driven but government diktats are in force to address this "inequality "in both state and corporate employment structures. I have no desire for anything like you've described and I'm an agnostic so I couldn't even act the part.

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Falling birth rates are not a "female choice" unless the availability of contraception and abortion allows women to avoid spending their lives as incubators. The real driver of falling birth rates is urbanization, which leads couples to conclude that putting more resources into fewer children makes more sense than having as many children as possible and hoping some of them survive. That works on the farm, but where space is at a premium, large families are only an option for the very rich, who can afford to support them, or the very poor, who can't access birth control. It has nothing to do with US politics as this is seen all over the world.

As far as delight over the disappearance of white people, all I can say is that Michael Moore doesn't speak for all liberals any more than Sean Hannity speaks for all conservatives. The reality is that birth rates are declining for all groups in the US, and without immigration, our population would be declining. The reason the percentage of white people is falling is because unlike the 19th and early 20th century, not as many Europeans are interested in emigrating here as people from other parts of the world.

I suspect the panic some white American conservatives feel at their declining numbers is their knowledge of how minorities have historically been treated in this country.

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"The reality is that birth rates are declining for all groups in the US, and without immigration, our population would be declining."

In demographics and everything else, quality over quantity.

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Quality and lack thereof are found in all groups.

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"Quality and lack thereof are found in all groups."

I absolutely agree. I never implied differently. Merit should be the guiding policy.

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I am not so sure about "quality of quantity." Test scores, labor participation and drug use would imply otherwise. In particular, those born male seem to be in a genuine rut. It blows my mind that we have record numbers of people dying from deaths of despair, and no one cares. If it were anyone other than white males, we would be in crises mode. I am not sure if it matters, as men have always been disposable, but it certainly hurts families and damages our ability to grow (I just lost two old friends to a drug overdose).

We should be focusing all of our energies getting everyone into the labor force, not whining about how many Fortune 500 companies are led by whatever marginalized group. It is stupid to concentrate at all on such a tiny group of people. I get the feeling that we need to start building alternative infrastructure to abandon these lost organizations (NASDAQ, elite universities, NYSE,...). I know that this has already started, but until those organizations start feeling pain, they will not stop engaging to nonsensical behavior.

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"I am not so sure about "quality of quantity."

My comment was 'quality over quantity,' meaning that quality is more important than quantity.

I agree with the rest of your reply.

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The Grapes of Wrath era framing your worldview?The contraceptive pill has been around in the western world for >60 years female agency can also be used to insist on male contraceptive use, that's without mentioning abortion which has been legal for 50 +years.And which despite the Roe v Wade reversal American women are having more of them than ever with the use of the abortion pill. 2.1 children per woman is the figure necessary for replacement, so 18 months pregnant doesn't exactly qualify as women "spending their lives as incubators" IMO. Lack of space and can't afford is the usual reason proffered by individuals and couples for not having any children or more than 1 when it's overwhelmingly a lifestyle choice. The Western world is not Hong Kong or Tokyo where those claims would have a lot more traction. Michael Moore"s sentiments does chime perfectly with Bidens Democrat regime. With the admission of 10 million illegals existing as the cast iron proof of that. They're simply isn't any surplus population in Europe to emigrate to the US on the scale of the past as the old world has a sub replacement birth rate in every country now with most having had one since the 1970s. Of course even if there was they'd all be at the back of the( legal of course)queue to immigrate to the US thanks to the continuance of the JFK inspired immigration act/Bill of the 1960s. But whites have been discriminated against since the civil rights Bill was signed once again as far back as the 60s. DEI ESG and CRT have been added to the original affirmative action policy.If those minorities were placed adjacent to each other without any whites around they would discriminate against each far more than they were discriminated against by the white population.We had a taster of this in2021when the 100s of thousands of Afghans evacuated from Kabul displayed a clear contempt for black Americans that they encountered and didn't want to be housed anywhere near them. Something that caused a moment of discomfort for Bidens House spokesperson John Kirby when asked about what was happening. Of course we have the anti white linguistic contrivation people of colour to show how discrimination is already happening.

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Did I say that birth control and abortion aren't available in the US? Despite the execrable Dobbs decision and the whore Clarence Thomas' musings on overturning Griswold, both are still easily available. I'm just pointing out the correlation between increasing urbanization and a falling birth rate when women are able to control their own reproduction, which they are able to do in the US, at least for now. Dismissing this as a "lifestyle choice" is a very superficial analysis, unless you think living in a city instead of working as a subsistence farmer is a "lifestyle choice."

And yeah, some people who aren't white are bigots. And the loss of special privileges often feels like oppression. If being around people of color annoys you, I'd suggest that you emigrate to Belarus or Ukraine as those countries are nearly 100% white since they have no indigenous POC groups like Russia, and nobody from the global south is interested in moving to either one.

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"Did I say that abortion and contraception weren't available in the US?"Then your last reply"s first sentence was superfluous.Referencing" subsistence farming "in the western world of the 2020s makes a complete nonsense of your argument. The level of student debt racked up by the mostly white female student cohort that Bidens regime seeks to cancel shows lifestyle choice in action from the get go. Merely asking to be treated as an equal before "god "and the law as the US constitution is supposed to say rather than to be discriminated against for being a member of the "oppressor group "isn't seeking to hold on to" special privileges" .If "people of color "are your preference you should live amongst Somalis or maybe even Baltimore blacks for the fully immersed experience.

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Let's be honest, affirmative action worked. All the BS we have now is largely because Republicans ruined a functioning system.

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How so?The People of colour contrivance could be seen as reaction to the reality of more and more different groups who could be in competition with each other for preferential treatment over whites. So the aggregation was always intended to weigh even heavier on whites.

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25 years ago, I asked a professor in class why diversity was considered such a good thing and she said, “Guacamole?“ Now I think she would say that it gives White people an opportunity for different ways of knowing.

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THanks for another insightful contribution. You deserve a "Heterodox" award just as CC got.

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Another great article from Aporia Magazine.

Another problem with valuing diversity is that it implies that people should also value discrimination, otherwise there would be no point in having diversity in the first place: https://zerocontradictions.net/civilization/social-justice.

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