What makes this result, dare I say it, incredible, is that given the background of these philosophers, the trolley problem and its variations are almost certainly not new to them. Thus the idea that one could measure the impact of order effects seems absurd, since no matter what order the instances were presented in the experiment, they probably had no correlation with the order the philosophers first encountered these ideas.

Maybe slightly less absurd (but only very slightly) is the idea that the reflection condition should have any impact, given that most of the subjects had already spent plenty of time reflecting on this sort of moral dilemma.

We're not told what moral dilemma's (other than the trolley problem) were asked about, but we are told that philosopher's views were subject to framing effects. I would hazard a guess that the other dilemma's were probably also fairly common in both framing variations, so again, it seems absurd that it would be possible to even measure the impact of one framing versus another.

It seems to me we are left with an experiment that claims to have put the subjects in different conditions (and then measured their responses), but this initial claim seems to be completely without merit. I'm inclined to call bullshit on the whole enterprise, except insofar as it provides evidence of the basic incompetence of our educational system and the people it credentializes as "philosophers" (experimenters included).

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