It's striking how physics is highly Jewish but astronomy is not, despite the two fields being closely related since Kepler and Galileo.

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Maybe this has something to do with physics being closer to being purely intellectual while astronomy is far more empirical. Related is the fact that physics can mostly be done during a normal working day while astronomy probably requires some night shifts.

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imho, it’s just that cluster of Hungarian Ashkenazim, who are also used often to show how high achieving Ashkenazim are as a group. They’re clearly an exceptional group but likely an outlier. My impression is that as a whole they are average but have very high levels of ethnic nepotism, which helps springboard representation of their smarter set, which is not proportionally larger. Chinese and those Brahmin (from India) that have come have also done similarly well for themselves as expected by the mean level of their achievement. The hack to winning meritocracy is practicing nepotism when others don’t - it’s just a simple game theoretical defection.

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So do it then.

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That's what I like about you, you admit it.

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Aug 10
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The only cope here is reading something difficult and true and only being able to answer it with "cope". That's life!

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This is a very good detailed article on the subject of Jewish intelligence. Cochran and Harpending had an entire chapter on this topic in "The 10,000 year explosion".

On the subject of the decline of Jewish success, this was bound to happen. Jews are overwhelmingly on the political left and frequently advocate for "environmental" causes to society problems. Eventually a lot of them act on this and start intermarrying with non-Jews because, hey, success in education is just due to the school, teachers, and how many books you have in the house right?

Their children will regress to the mean of 100 instead of 110.

You should write about Brahmins in India. They marry within their own group and have high average IQs as well. All the Indian tech executes and workers are Brahmin.

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"You should write about Brahmins in India. They marry within their own group and have high average IQs as well."

Agreed. This strategy would have success in any racial or ethnic group.

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Strict religious adherence is the only way to enforce endogamy within a high IQ successful group. However, high IQ Brahmins in the US have the same problem as Jews. A lot of them will marry outside of their clan and thereby diluting their gene pool.

Many successful Indian Brahmin men marry white women. They're definitely not thinking of their children because the kids will regress back to IQ of 100.

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Brahmin have lower IQ than Whites, so joke's on the women.

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Good genes get stronger…so a society should be trying to mate high IQ people with lower IQ people. High IQ people mating with other high IQ people will result in diminishing returns. Plus in America we waste a lot of brainpower such as high IQ people becoming lawyers in which they probably make society worse…so we need fewer lower IQ people but we probably have too many high IQ people.

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"Strict religious adherence is the only way to enforce endogamy within a high IQ successful group."

It doesn't require religious adherence, just a conscientious and intelligent approach.

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We're talking about multi-generational endogamous marriages to preserve their high IQ bloodline. Ashkenazi Jews got their status precisely because they were a socially isolated group in Europe. But now that they're free to live and mingle with anyone, they are actually mingling with anyone and diluting their gene pool.

You might be conscientiously selecting a high IQ spouse, but what about your children and grandchildren? How much control do you think you can exert over their private lives especially when they live in a western country?

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Jews are genetically very similar to Whites, they just have different allele frequencies. If the pressure on alleles like the ones causing tay-sachs and gaucher in homozygotes, and heightened IQ in heterozygotes, eases, Jews will regress toward a European mean even without interracial mating. In a comfortable society, that is exactly what happens. The Ashkenazi drop in academic performance is likely to be, at least in part, due to that.

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Pretty sure Brahmins don’t have *that* high of IQs in India. Higher than other Indians, yes, but not higher than your average Europeans.

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I think you are wrong. There are many high-IQ Indians in relation to Europeans. How do you account for that?

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Just because India has 1 billion people while Europe "only" 400 millions. Considering in every group you have 1% of people with higher intelligence and capacity over the average that's why there seems there are a lot of smart Pajeet. Just stochastic illusion

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I agree; I understand the math. My comment was to Sectionalism Archive, who doesn't seem to realise that.

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NAXALT. Also, Indians in the west are selected for intelligence. Indian-Americans (who are high caste) are more intelligent than the average American, but Indians in India who are high caste are not.

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The easiest explanation is that having Jewish kids requires marrying a Jewish woman. They don't call them Jewish American Princess's for nothing.

In India marrying to a lower caste would be a whole other prospect. It would be a poor match the the genetic fall off would be immense.

But in America a successful Jew can marry a shiksa that is probably above average IQ if not as high as him. If that makes him happy the slight reduction in his kids IQ that he may not even understand isn't going to bother him.

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Only South Indian (Dravidian) and Bengali Brahmins are successful. Most Brahmins are in the northern states and are poor and not known to be successful. There are other mercantile castes that traditionally dominated business instead (Banias, etc).

India is also interesting because it possibly has some of the few high IQ Muslim populations, namely the Khojas and Bohras. There are also the Parsi Zoroastrians, where IQ data should be collected before they go extinct.

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The wealthiest country to ever exist is Qatar…what does that say about IQ??

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It says something about energy rents.

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"The single ethnic difference that I believe is likely to have a genetic basis is the relative Jewish incapacity for spatial reasoning. I have no theory about why this should be the case, but I note that it casts an interesting light on the Jews’ wandering in the desert for forty years!" - Hilarious! 😂

On a more serious note, I wasn't aware of this one, it certainly doesn't fit my personal profile as an Ashkenazi (I was doing 500 piece jigsaw puzzles when I was 2), but I guess that's just unavoidable within group variance?

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I grew up in a majority Jewish area and I think the idea that Jews aren't nepotistic toward other Jews is laughable. The Jews I grew up with would feel the same. I don't know exactly how to rank Jewish Nepotism versus other ethnic nepotisms. Less than blacks or Indians, more than whites.

That doesn't mean there is a vast Jewish conspiracy to control the world, but the idea that everyone but Jews would have elements of ethnic nepotism seems absurd.

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That clip doesn't indicate that Jews are known for nepotism. It indicates that Jews are good at being lawyers (so verbal reasoning plus being a bit shifty).

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This seems pretty pointless as it mostly covers old data that has been reviewed dozens of times before. As stated in the beginning of the article, Jewish achievement has been dropping rapidly. Where is the explanation for this decline within the article? What is the adjusted IQ? Are you somehow under the impression that their IQ has not changed despite their levels of achievement having drastically done so? Furthermore, interpreting scores of a particular group of Ashkenazis as being representative of all Ashkenazis is fallacious. The Ashkenazi ethnic group has become quite diverse over time due to decades of outbreeding. And the nature of that breeding is different based on the country that one may choose to review. Jews are not a monolithic race. They are a *breeding group* that has people coming in and going out all the time.

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It's very hard to collect data on just how many Jews marry non-Jews. An Ashkenazi Jew like Mark Zuckerberg marrying a Chinese woman doctor who went to Harvard probably will not produce children with IQ lower than 110. Zuckerberg is an outlier though.

But if you're a Jewish man and you're short, you have fewer options. A YouTuber that I like is Drew Binsky. He's an Ashkenazi Jew who married a woman from Philippines. Their children will probably regress to somewhere below 100.


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That is the cutest wedding video I have ever watched on YouTube!

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What do you think of the “Jews vs. WASPs” IQ debate? Do American WASPs, especially northern WASPs (so-called “Boston Brahmins” and their ilk) have exceptionally high IQs? They went through some similar genetic patterns the Jews did, namely a population bottleneck followed by selection for skilled work. Both also had a somewhat similar religious culture, centered around heavy personal examination of scripture and the allowance of religious elites to procreate. On top of that, the WASP ascendancy absorbed elite members of other groups to some extent.

I remember there was an interesting study from a long time ago someone showed me which specifically studied WASP IQ, but every study I’ve found since then has dealt with religious proxies like “Episcopalian”. It’s very tawdry stuff.

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There are Puritan surnames with an extraordinary number of high achievers in intellectually demanding fields, like Eliot and Huntington.

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The sorting always influences data. For example, "married men" do better than "unmarried men". This is because they lump post divorced men with single......

Gays and Lesbians have rates of domestic violence between men and women in straight relationships, because they are lumped together. Lesbians actually have higher rates on each other than straight men on their female partners. Gay men the lowest of all, etc.

Hispanics are a linguistic group made up of blacks, whites, indigenous and Asians - another meaningless group category.

My quick takeaway is that Ashekenazis as a group may benefit from the NY nexus. 25% of the city is Jewish and theres a lot of networking going on, so..... and one weird wrench in the works: Ashkenazi most often have Y (male) chromosomes from the Middle East and mitochondrial (maternal) DNA from eastern Europe. They are nearly half "Aryan" (and possibly not Jewish by Talmudic law, at least until all theose Polish women converted and then a generation passed, but I digress...)

You can lump Boston Brahmins with Scots-Irish border folks (all "Protestants") and get something bland, but what if you sorted them out? that is to say, now that we know about the "IQ shredder" and the globalist mating game is a free for all, sexual selection may drive genetics within the frame of cultural trends; in different subcultures, pure intelligence may be favored or not depending on cultural preferences. Some find brains sexier than others.

I bet Ashkenazi in NYC also benefit from the best pediatricians, as a group, the money and networking can buy. Kudos for them, and something pointing to my take about the best approach: all groups seem to benefit from stability, pre and immediate post natal envoronment, education and access to resources.

Its just funny that the group most impacted by modern eugenics intelligence theory, the Jews, are the quickest to tout their..... genetic advantage. The emphasis on culture is muted, at least in the US, perhaps because so many NY Jews are non-religious and may want to over look a highly religious (but impactful, I think) tradition of Talmudic study and strong adherence to "hetero-normative" family structure, things they are not leaning towards preserving going forward. We may see the most massive IQ shredder in history in this group soon.

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The striking success of Ashkenazi Jews is not only due to the above-average cognitive ability of the successful man/women. I always write down in the comments section under such articles what the explanation might be. The secret lies in one's personal network of contacts: a person maintains intensive communication with a limited number of acquaintances - relatives, friends, colleagues. If we count an average of 100 people in a person's network of contacts, note that an Ashkenazi will have ten with over 130 iq, while a European white will have two! This is a huge advantage in career building.

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Force multiplier. For a time, in the 20th C., it was an anti-"IQ shredder" with low IQ jewish men left in the dust to not reproduce as much, rather than the trend we see generally among elites.

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During the digital age with the proliferation of a culture of narcissism happening in western societies, it doesn't matter to me how fast a person's processing speed is in their head, what matters is how high a person's emotional intelligence is, for me.

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Israeli newspapers reported that the poor PISA results were also present in their top (Ashkenazi) students. They simply didn't measure up well agaist other PISA nations, scoring worse than most Germanic students. Ashkenazi test scores in America are also dropping. The percentage of Jewish merit scholars, math olympiad winnders, and physics olympiad winners have been dropping for decades compared to those of other groups.

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Check out Unz’s work on Harvard admission bias towards jews. Nepotism is definitely a reality.

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In reality even if they have slightly higher verbal IQs, it does not in any way explain their overrepresentation. In reality they have gotten into so many power positions because of nepotism, jewish people are some of the most ethnocentric on earth, as Kevin MacDonald's work has shown they lead most of these "civil rights" movements through very tight in group networking. https://www.unz.com/runz/american-meritocracy-revisited/

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The Jewish performance in the three Hard Science Nobels (physic, chemistry, and medicine) might be the single most impressive statistic I know.

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" Note that self-identified race varies by age among Jews. Among Jews aged 65+, 97% identify as White, followed by 96% of Jews aged 50-64, 88% of Jews aged 30-49, and 85% of Jews aged 18-29."

It would be interesting to know what race choices were available to them.

"What ultimately explains Jewish success will have to be discovered empirically."

One should never rule out a lack of integrity as a negative trait that is advantageous in business success; this applies to both Jews and Gentiles.

Thanks for the novel approach to determining the average Jewish IQ.

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Fascinating and comprehensive. In order to ensure equality of representation by intelligence, entrance by SAT type tests only would seem to be mandatory. Failure to come to grips with the reality of the mirror image of these results in other ethnicities can only lead to misery. Coming to grips includes, for example, encouragement of trades, as recommended by John McWhorter.

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My only comment is that this writer has managed to write an almost unreadable article about an extremely interesting subject. He may be a very intelligent man, but he is not a writer. Time spent with this writer is time wasted. Maybe if he reduced the article's length by half....

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It's an academic/scientific article. It's not aimed at our average Joe (I don't mean that in a derogatory way, I couldn't finish reading it myself).

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I added to these comments. Unfortunately, in my haste, I made several glaring typos, but I cannot correct them now, because they're not yet here. Hopefully, I'll learn from this experience. Where were you, Grammarly?

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