At one of those expensive boarding schools (I wasn't boarding -- 25k-40k/yr in past, about $37-71k now), there was little difference in marginal improvement of outcomes of the students' relative to their intellectual aptitude. The top students in Math in Math-oriented olympiads, competitions were always the NE asians. When my AP chem teacher said this is the 'best year' we had in terms of results, it was once again mostly because the class composition changed to NE asians. There were some bright European-ancestry people there, and some people from the middle east too who skipped a grade or two, took AP/IB classes.
In terms of intellectual endowment, I didn't really see any differential. Everyone self-segregated into their own racial groups at lunch, or cliques since elementary school -- with the exception of native-born second-gen+ later descendants like Asians. There were almost nil black people besides maybe a female who was fairly disruptive, a few Caribbeans. Hazing was normal, bullying (i.e. especially fat girls and short boys) was normal, those not-so-bright or academically minded took some drugs, some leftover second or third-sons being sent to a daycare centre.. basically. Certain white girls (i.e. children of teachers) were sexually promiscuous with boys sexting photos in HS. Same observation made with regards to FB photos with females in cops/maid outfits around age 12 which were shortly deleted thereafter (this one at a public immersion school though).
I noticed everyone was 30% higher in height relative to the normal population you would see in Walmart, and their muscle masses equivalents were higher as excerise/fitness/extracurriculars were a given. The most politically-minded likely majored in pol-sci, humanities, etc and took up government post positions while other kids either took a standard professional route or didn't change much relative to their parents' class (i.e. wealthy farmers, technical coding, professor).
Relative to a public school, the disruptiveness factor is probably lower and the discipline/conscientiousness factor was probably higher. Science club was 100% NE asian, aviation club was mostly white, choir 70/30 F/M ... overall whatever interests related to their groups' origins were reflected in the outcomes of their choices and the subjects they took.
I'd say the average ability was 80 percentile give or take in intellect. Before that school I was in a french-immersion program and I observed about 1 in 16 children or so had an IQ about 125+ or so given they were in a gifted program. The only point of the schools were to streamline the demographics in my mind. The so-called connections were totally dependent on the child's personality + whether they started early in elementary school together so they might have wealthy intermixing (i.e. attending each other's villas, spending a few $k on the weekends).
I did not observe any differences (that would be noticeable in regards to the 'quality' of the education or 'outcomes' in changing the students' behaviour). Except for the white boys being against our woke english teacher in grade 12. Not that woke, except of the insistence of equalization -- and him being shocked at the responses.
I've been promoting the work of Freddie deBoer whenever the topic of education comes up. Education does not "work". A lot of people, especially those on the left, think that schools make a difference. They don't. Schools are merely a way for kids to showcase their genetic propensities.
At one of those expensive boarding schools (I wasn't boarding -- 25k-40k/yr in past, about $37-71k now), there was little difference in marginal improvement of outcomes of the students' relative to their intellectual aptitude. The top students in Math in Math-oriented olympiads, competitions were always the NE asians. When my AP chem teacher said this is the 'best year' we had in terms of results, it was once again mostly because the class composition changed to NE asians. There were some bright European-ancestry people there, and some people from the middle east too who skipped a grade or two, took AP/IB classes.
In terms of intellectual endowment, I didn't really see any differential. Everyone self-segregated into their own racial groups at lunch, or cliques since elementary school -- with the exception of native-born second-gen+ later descendants like Asians. There were almost nil black people besides maybe a female who was fairly disruptive, a few Caribbeans. Hazing was normal, bullying (i.e. especially fat girls and short boys) was normal, those not-so-bright or academically minded took some drugs, some leftover second or third-sons being sent to a daycare centre.. basically. Certain white girls (i.e. children of teachers) were sexually promiscuous with boys sexting photos in HS. Same observation made with regards to FB photos with females in cops/maid outfits around age 12 which were shortly deleted thereafter (this one at a public immersion school though).
I noticed everyone was 30% higher in height relative to the normal population you would see in Walmart, and their muscle masses equivalents were higher as excerise/fitness/extracurriculars were a given. The most politically-minded likely majored in pol-sci, humanities, etc and took up government post positions while other kids either took a standard professional route or didn't change much relative to their parents' class (i.e. wealthy farmers, technical coding, professor).
Relative to a public school, the disruptiveness factor is probably lower and the discipline/conscientiousness factor was probably higher. Science club was 100% NE asian, aviation club was mostly white, choir 70/30 F/M ... overall whatever interests related to their groups' origins were reflected in the outcomes of their choices and the subjects they took.
I'd say the average ability was 80 percentile give or take in intellect. Before that school I was in a french-immersion program and I observed about 1 in 16 children or so had an IQ about 125+ or so given they were in a gifted program. The only point of the schools were to streamline the demographics in my mind. The so-called connections were totally dependent on the child's personality + whether they started early in elementary school together so they might have wealthy intermixing (i.e. attending each other's villas, spending a few $k on the weekends).
I did not observe any differences (that would be noticeable in regards to the 'quality' of the education or 'outcomes' in changing the students' behaviour). Except for the white boys being against our woke english teacher in grade 12. Not that woke, except of the insistence of equalization -- and him being shocked at the responses.
I've been promoting the work of Freddie deBoer whenever the topic of education comes up. Education does not "work". A lot of people, especially those on the left, think that schools make a difference. They don't. Schools are merely a way for kids to showcase their genetic propensities.
Two very good articles from Freddie on this: