"Slogans like “Love Wins”, “Love Trumps Hate”, “Hate Has No Home Here”, “Believe All Women”, “Women’s Rights are Human Rights” and “No Human is Illegal” sound incredibly mawkish and off-putting to me"
I'm a woman, and I find them off-putting as well. They all sound like the sorts of signs that are hung up in a kindergarten classroom, usually in some sort of childish-handwriting-looking font, and with rainbows and clouds around them. I disliked that sort of patronizing teacher-speak when I was a schoolgirl, and I dislike it even more as an adult woman.
(Plus, the "no human is illegal" one doesn't really make sense - I mean, obviously it is not illegal to be a human; but it is illegal for humans to do certain things which are against the law. The more literal-minded among us might well wonder if this statement extends to cover other illegal acts besides illegally entering a country - could I illegally enter someone's house, since no human is illegal? Could I illegally help myself to some items in a store, since no human is illegal?)
Guess it's ok for me to break into their house and help myself to whatever -- and whomever -- I want. Seeing as how no human is illegal and love always wins.
Right? Uh . . . no. They'd be the first to go hysterical and dial up the Authorities.
The Democrats are trying to make a point of stating the data that shows white college-educated women favored Harris and white non-college-educated women favored Trump. The fact that many college 'educated' women major in inane, useless courses, which are more indoctrination than education, is never mentioned.
Thank you for these astute observations and supporting research. Well said and I agree that the Democrat party could benefit by being less feminine (and I might add less effete and effeminate).
In Hector Garcia's 2019 book "Sex, Power, and Partisanship: How evolutionary science makes sense of our political divide," he writes: "American political commentator and [former] talk show host Chris Matthews once described Republicans as the 'Daddy Party' and Democrats as the 'Mommy Party.' Reference: "Mommy's Love and Daddy's Protection" Baltimore Sun, May 14, 1991.
Very interesting. The problem might be that the Dems would only portray themselves as being more masculine as a way of winning an election. They wouldn't actually become more masculine, which is what I want as I find the whole 'Love wins' schtick sickening. That being the case, I'd prefer the genuine masculines to win and for you to not give the game away by letting the soppy lot know how best to act!
NPR's precipitous decline has been heavily scrutinized, and even after spending great sums on research as to why, they seem to have drawn the wrong conclusions. The simple answer is that like the Democratic Party, their ethos / programming is utterly void of anything remotely masculine. And, it's almost entirely of the (vain) AWFL feminine variant.
That's my way of saying I concur with this analysis, as someone who has been thinking along these lines for a some time (see my silly logo, which is meant to represent the masculine and feminine in union).
Every time I hear from a woman "Trump is Hitler" it echoes "If you don't do X then that means you don't love me anymore"
When I chat in person with women about race they will often catastrophize, "So then if they have lower IQ we will have to REDACT them." Women are much less able to deal with competition. For them competition is dangerous so they will act crazy and rally their friends to avoid any competition. Men are fine with and many love competition so we don't have to be totalitarian safety hall monitors
I don't know I think forcing experiments on an entire population and getting them to comply is pretty forceful to me. Was Jesus too feminine I wonder? Trump won, because people cannot afford to live under the current state of inflation due to the Biden administrations economic policies. Money is the bottom line to everything; all the analysis is just fluff.
I agree with all the positive statements (yes, the Democrats are more feminine, and it's turning off men) but you don't really address why it doesn't work the other way (the Republicans are getting pretty macho, and it's turning off women). Theoretically feminism should be a winning strategy: there are more women than men, and they vote more.
My suspicion is gender polarization favors the Democrats, but the electoral college favors Republicans, and it's overall a wash. The 3 percent or so in the middle swings back and forth and everyone writes think pieces about how it's an epochal shift.
Gays, Girls, & Girly Men don’t make a society strong and will never win wars.
Strong Men & Strong Women (In body & mind) make a society strong and win wars.
By nature Men are Offensive and Women are Defensive.
Combat units are Offensive.
Support units are Defensive.
Offense Wins and Defense Sustains.
You don’t need to conduct surveys, poles, or count beans to know this just study history.
I am a retired Active Duty Marine of 25-years and since retirement have worked in construction for 30 years. I still work 6-days a week.
I doubt today’s America can win a war against a peer advisory.
Why is America is such sorry shape? We feminized everything from our military, to industry, to education, and especially government…
We can recruit enough Men or Women to fill the ranks. In order to mask this shortfall we reduce the size of the military.
Recruiting is a failure.
We can’t even get our war stuff to China.
About 1/3 of our Combat Aircraft are broken and we are seriously short pilots. Wonder why we can’t recruit Top Gun Men?
He have only a few hundred Navy war ships. Half of the few hundred war ships are broken. We have less than 300 war ships in WWII we had over 5,000. Sure today’s ships are more capable but they still can only be in one place at a time and the World’s oceans are huge.
Our war ships are crewed by gays, girls, and girly men. Yes, they are a few good men & women but WOKE idiots lead them. Take a look at CNO. If you don’t know who CNO is you are uninformed. She is a staff officer not a commander.
Any general or admiral that says trans is ok or support the tribalism of LBGTQxyz123 or breastfeed in combat units for the military should be kicked out. How the hell did they ever get promoted. Start with the Woke Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He want woke quotas not merit.
Do you want your kids (young men and women) to go into combat with a person that cries about pronouns?
If you think a bunch of tribes is good for the military, stop reading. You have no clue.
There is one tribe in the military that’s your unit. Factions within a unit kills unit cohesiveness and will kill the unit.
Oh another major thing about going to a real war. American has even fewer US-Flagged commercial ships than war ships.
It’s to dirty to the environment to make steel and build ships. We have to many regulations to afford industry in the United States.
No we can’t fit all the stuff our military needs to fight a war in our few war ships and air planes. Might move about 5%.
The US has less the 1% of the World’s commercial sealift shipping capacity.
You think many countries will help the US in a war against China or still be using their commercial ships to sustain their country and commerce?
To repair the link below remove the space after the “h t”.
h ttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_merchant_navy_capacity_by_country
Oh and not enough war supplies like the basic 155mm artillery round just to name one.
We are screwed.
China and the New World Order wants America agriculture land, fossil fuel, and infrastructure of roads, railroads, pipelines, sea & airports.
They will have to rebuild our industry. It’s gone.
China is patient they will lets us kill each other then come put the girly men in bondage and breed the women. China will kill the real men and kill the mouthy, blue haired, cat ladies.
Think this sounds unrealistic, read about slavery since the beginning of recorded history.
Listen to a Three War Marine Combat Veteran address Congress about women in combat.
To repair the link below remove the space after the “h t”.
MEGA is not about President Trump; MEGA is about the survival of the United States.
We had best re-learn about OUR Greatest Generation and roll up our sleeves and be Great again.
Thank you feminist. Be careful what you ask for you now have it. A weak feminist country that will soon be conquered.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!!!
PS. My hope is this will make you critically think about the future of OUR Country and our kids, grandkids, and future Americans that are not born yet.
Do not miss this from General Barrow. (Would cry-bullies work in the marines?) "Not about women's rights .. about combat effectiveness" "..combat is killing ... " "band of brothers (Henry V)" Has the slightest attempt ever been made anywhere to assess the effect on combat effectiveness of females in combat units? Might that be relevant? Male coalition is evolution.
Noah, you did not include the most spectacular example of Democratic feminization: the white Democratic men who've become "women" in the last decade, restoring their lost status. Charles "social" Clymer is the best-known example. He's an inner party guy who ran afoul of feminists, donned lipstick, and got welcomed into the Biden Administration as a "woman."
America has been a Feminist Nation since the Eighties. The Democrats have been the Women's (read: Feminist) Party about the same length of time. When I was growing up, the Dems were the party of the workingman. Now, the Democratic Party HATES the working man above all else. Their rage and resentment are unbounded and apocalyptic. They particularly loathe the straight, white workingman. Now, the Democratic Party is the lair of fat D.C. insiders, intel operatives, college (un)educated women, and related grifters -- cancers upon the nation.
Feminism is a death cult. America either will destroy it, or it will destroy America.
This is an interesting analysis. I’d like to see it as a regression. In other words, how much the masculinity/femininity dichotomy explains party strength/weakness, and how much other factors do. If I had a sound memory of my stats class 30+ years ago, I’d have given it a try (plus I have no access to either SPSS or SAS).
“This doesn’t mean Democrats have to radically change their policy platform."
Disagree. Their policies are radically and fundamentally anti-male in all respects.
Historically women gave men caring, affection, and children in exchange for access to the resources he acquired and his protection. Now the state forces men to pay for women via taxes and get nothing in return.
"Slogans like “Love Wins”, “Love Trumps Hate”, “Hate Has No Home Here”, “Believe All Women”, “Women’s Rights are Human Rights” and “No Human is Illegal” sound incredibly mawkish and off-putting to me"
I'm a woman, and I find them off-putting as well. They all sound like the sorts of signs that are hung up in a kindergarten classroom, usually in some sort of childish-handwriting-looking font, and with rainbows and clouds around them. I disliked that sort of patronizing teacher-speak when I was a schoolgirl, and I dislike it even more as an adult woman.
(Plus, the "no human is illegal" one doesn't really make sense - I mean, obviously it is not illegal to be a human; but it is illegal for humans to do certain things which are against the law. The more literal-minded among us might well wonder if this statement extends to cover other illegal acts besides illegally entering a country - could I illegally enter someone's house, since no human is illegal? Could I illegally help myself to some items in a store, since no human is illegal?)
Guess it's ok for me to break into their house and help myself to whatever -- and whomever -- I want. Seeing as how no human is illegal and love always wins.
Right? Uh . . . no. They'd be the first to go hysterical and dial up the Authorities.
I agree. I am a woman. The slogans are patronising and condescending. I hate it.
Thanks for the article.
The Democrats are trying to make a point of stating the data that shows white college-educated women favored Harris and white non-college-educated women favored Trump. The fact that many college 'educated' women major in inane, useless courses, which are more indoctrination than education, is never mentioned.
You missed a great opportunity to title this essay:
“Democrats: you need to grow a pair!”
: )
Thank you for these astute observations and supporting research. Well said and I agree that the Democrat party could benefit by being less feminine (and I might add less effete and effeminate).
In Hector Garcia's 2019 book "Sex, Power, and Partisanship: How evolutionary science makes sense of our political divide," he writes: "American political commentator and [former] talk show host Chris Matthews once described Republicans as the 'Daddy Party' and Democrats as the 'Mommy Party.' Reference: "Mommy's Love and Daddy's Protection" Baltimore Sun, May 14, 1991.
Very interesting. The problem might be that the Dems would only portray themselves as being more masculine as a way of winning an election. They wouldn't actually become more masculine, which is what I want as I find the whole 'Love wins' schtick sickening. That being the case, I'd prefer the genuine masculines to win and for you to not give the game away by letting the soppy lot know how best to act!
NPR's precipitous decline has been heavily scrutinized, and even after spending great sums on research as to why, they seem to have drawn the wrong conclusions. The simple answer is that like the Democratic Party, their ethos / programming is utterly void of anything remotely masculine. And, it's almost entirely of the (vain) AWFL feminine variant.
That's my way of saying I concur with this analysis, as someone who has been thinking along these lines for a some time (see my silly logo, which is meant to represent the masculine and feminine in union).
Every time I hear from a woman "Trump is Hitler" it echoes "If you don't do X then that means you don't love me anymore"
When I chat in person with women about race they will often catastrophize, "So then if they have lower IQ we will have to REDACT them." Women are much less able to deal with competition. For them competition is dangerous so they will act crazy and rally their friends to avoid any competition. Men are fine with and many love competition so we don't have to be totalitarian safety hall monitors
I don't know I think forcing experiments on an entire population and getting them to comply is pretty forceful to me. Was Jesus too feminine I wonder? Trump won, because people cannot afford to live under the current state of inflation due to the Biden administrations economic policies. Money is the bottom line to everything; all the analysis is just fluff.
Repeal the 19th.
Yesterday, if possible.
I agree with all the positive statements (yes, the Democrats are more feminine, and it's turning off men) but you don't really address why it doesn't work the other way (the Republicans are getting pretty macho, and it's turning off women). Theoretically feminism should be a winning strategy: there are more women than men, and they vote more.
My suspicion is gender polarization favors the Democrats, but the electoral college favors Republicans, and it's overall a wash. The 3 percent or so in the middle swings back and forth and everyone writes think pieces about how it's an epochal shift.
Gays, Girls, & Girly Men don’t make a society strong and will never win wars.
Strong Men & Strong Women (In body & mind) make a society strong and win wars.
By nature Men are Offensive and Women are Defensive.
Combat units are Offensive.
Support units are Defensive.
Offense Wins and Defense Sustains.
You don’t need to conduct surveys, poles, or count beans to know this just study history.
I am a retired Active Duty Marine of 25-years and since retirement have worked in construction for 30 years. I still work 6-days a week.
I doubt today’s America can win a war against a peer advisory.
Why is America is such sorry shape? We feminized everything from our military, to industry, to education, and especially government…
We can recruit enough Men or Women to fill the ranks. In order to mask this shortfall we reduce the size of the military.
Recruiting is a failure.
We can’t even get our war stuff to China.
About 1/3 of our Combat Aircraft are broken and we are seriously short pilots. Wonder why we can’t recruit Top Gun Men?
He have only a few hundred Navy war ships. Half of the few hundred war ships are broken. We have less than 300 war ships in WWII we had over 5,000. Sure today’s ships are more capable but they still can only be in one place at a time and the World’s oceans are huge.
Our war ships are crewed by gays, girls, and girly men. Yes, they are a few good men & women but WOKE idiots lead them. Take a look at CNO. If you don’t know who CNO is you are uninformed. She is a staff officer not a commander.
Any general or admiral that says trans is ok or support the tribalism of LBGTQxyz123 or breastfeed in combat units for the military should be kicked out. How the hell did they ever get promoted. Start with the Woke Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He want woke quotas not merit.
Do you want your kids (young men and women) to go into combat with a person that cries about pronouns?
If you think a bunch of tribes is good for the military, stop reading. You have no clue.
There is one tribe in the military that’s your unit. Factions within a unit kills unit cohesiveness and will kill the unit.
Oh another major thing about going to a real war. American has even fewer US-Flagged commercial ships than war ships.
It’s to dirty to the environment to make steel and build ships. We have to many regulations to afford industry in the United States.
No we can’t fit all the stuff our military needs to fight a war in our few war ships and air planes. Might move about 5%.
The US has less the 1% of the World’s commercial sealift shipping capacity.
You think many countries will help the US in a war against China or still be using their commercial ships to sustain their country and commerce?
To repair the link below remove the space after the “h t”.
h ttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_merchant_navy_capacity_by_country
Oh and not enough war supplies like the basic 155mm artillery round just to name one.
We are screwed.
China and the New World Order wants America agriculture land, fossil fuel, and infrastructure of roads, railroads, pipelines, sea & airports.
They will have to rebuild our industry. It’s gone.
China is patient they will lets us kill each other then come put the girly men in bondage and breed the women. China will kill the real men and kill the mouthy, blue haired, cat ladies.
Think this sounds unrealistic, read about slavery since the beginning of recorded history.
Listen to a Three War Marine Combat Veteran address Congress about women in combat.
To repair the link below remove the space after the “h t”.
MEGA is not about President Trump; MEGA is about the survival of the United States.
We had best re-learn about OUR Greatest Generation and roll up our sleeves and be Great again.
Thank you feminist. Be careful what you ask for you now have it. A weak feminist country that will soon be conquered.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!!!
PS. My hope is this will make you critically think about the future of OUR Country and our kids, grandkids, and future Americans that are not born yet.
Study, Ask Questions, Get Involved.
Do not miss this from General Barrow. (Would cry-bullies work in the marines?) "Not about women's rights .. about combat effectiveness" "..combat is killing ... " "band of brothers (Henry V)" Has the slightest attempt ever been made anywhere to assess the effect on combat effectiveness of females in combat units? Might that be relevant? Male coalition is evolution.
Noah, you did not include the most spectacular example of Democratic feminization: the white Democratic men who've become "women" in the last decade, restoring their lost status. Charles "social" Clymer is the best-known example. He's an inner party guy who ran afoul of feminists, donned lipstick, and got welcomed into the Biden Administration as a "woman."
America has been a Feminist Nation since the Eighties. The Democrats have been the Women's (read: Feminist) Party about the same length of time. When I was growing up, the Dems were the party of the workingman. Now, the Democratic Party HATES the working man above all else. Their rage and resentment are unbounded and apocalyptic. They particularly loathe the straight, white workingman. Now, the Democratic Party is the lair of fat D.C. insiders, intel operatives, college (un)educated women, and related grifters -- cancers upon the nation.
Feminism is a death cult. America either will destroy it, or it will destroy America.
This is an interesting analysis. I’d like to see it as a regression. In other words, how much the masculinity/femininity dichotomy explains party strength/weakness, and how much other factors do. If I had a sound memory of my stats class 30+ years ago, I’d have given it a try (plus I have no access to either SPSS or SAS).
How do we tag Tampon Tim so he can get some help by reading this?
“This doesn’t mean Democrats have to radically change their policy platform."
Disagree. Their policies are radically and fundamentally anti-male in all respects.
Historically women gave men caring, affection, and children in exchange for access to the resources he acquired and his protection. Now the state forces men to pay for women via taxes and get nothing in return.