Those 5 IQ points can mean the difference between homelessness & death and not suffering so much for those in the below IQ levels, the difference between ability to join military and serve with strugglingly challenging success till retirement and decent pay, granted as private or perhaps grade higher, if started at 79 IQ those 5 IQ points would make a score that just is the lowest IQ allowed to serve. A Huge life change and way of life scripted and choices made for them so securely and unworried about making hard choices that might harm others - generally.

The Wikipedia quote for drugging our boys that act like I did and most my friends did into acting like a broken girl, pathologizing maleness as a sickness because 'gender studies' the women Professionals education and directing them was full of hate-based disposing of male and manness - instead of what their great grandmothers knew about men - they and society would stop and family protection and provision and support and service to others would end, poverty and death would follow for her and all she loved and knew in our culture and lives.

Instead of sanity from women, we have Sick 'professional' hyper-empowered VagFeelie-thinking womanhood filled with 'professional' mind-raping delusional psycho baby-killing, child sexual-and-mind mutilating, open-border voting and supporting, and sex-choice is a thing, .., insane Poison that many make every place a Toxic anti-maleness fem-Nazi soul-and-Joy murdering nightmare, mind-breaking insane accepting delusional areas where you will get gonads crushed and punished if you act rational and virtuous and object to something they like or use for power, or if 'bad-thinking' as such retarded horrors of unJust untruth disordered beliefs we all supposed to act as true - like they meritless drama productivity destroying hires where a Just hire would be a father supporting a wife and children, as is Right-ordered.

(I worked at a University after many years of working, studying, socializing, loving sane women and men in two States before moving here, and so back in mid-1980's through 1990's when 3rd wave feminism 'educated' all women that all men were rapey, oppressive, violent, .. horrible humans [and that women have had a right and duty to mob-in-secrete and attack in putrid dishonorable vile ways and drive away or to death.] Yes, joy-murdered me and turned a once dream job into a hell on earth I suffered daily, and their vile Witchery evil followed me like the stick of a skunk all my life, I run into it even today.)

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If Arthur Jensen was not willing to pay five cents for five more IQ, then similarly he would be likewise unwilling to pay a dollar for 100 more IQ. That would make him the smartest person who ever existed, or close to it, and I simply do not believe Dr. Jensen. He most certainly would be willing to pay five cents for five more IQ! Even if it is statistically difficult to resolve, every little bit helps.

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