Although there is no such thing as the Gifted Virus in real life, dysgenic fertility has already effectuated a societal decline. How paradoxical that people endowed with ineffable abilities, such as Isaac Newton, are less likely to leave behind their genetic legacy

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I would say that the targeted killing of the Polish elite during WWII is a more potentially rewarding case: In a diverse and complex society, where the elite clearly had an important role to play before it disappeared. - Definitely the comment that Cambodia simply didn't need geniuses to recover to its previous rather basic level is valid.

On the other hand a former advanced advance society may also be able to enconomize with the few remaining geniuses/highly gifted by organizing a good division of labor (that should be the first task of the first genius aftet the apocalypse - sort of after Noah's Ark).

Brain drain was also mentioned in the comments. Probably at least as harmful, but much more "discreet".

Probably too messy and not massive enough, but I guess the turmoil in the USSR also took a significant toll on the elite (intellectuals in general, top Communists, top armed forces officers - all "favourites" of Stalins secret police). And to some extent the USSR deliberately was "dumming-down" the country by worshipping workers and peasants and making everybody a part of the societal machine according to Marx and Lenin. On the other hand, a few elite scientists were spared (many in sort of "scientist-GuLags).

Just some random thoughts...

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You don't need to imagine this hypothetical scenario of a virus. This is happening today to several countries. Just look at South Africa or Haiti. Capable whites have been leaving South Africa since the end of apartheid. The blacks in charge there are having problems keeping electricity running.

As for Haiti or other Sub Saharan countries like Ghana, the smart ones have left a long time ago. The only ones left are the ones incapable of self-governance.

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Thanks for a great article. An exciting and informative presentation.

Indeed, losing the top five percent of intelligent humans would be a disaster for civilization.

And as was mentioned, there are traits other than intelligence that contribute to the ascension of humanity.

I have included a suggested list:

Integrity, inquisitiveness, intuitiveness, industriousness, insight, inspiration, imagination, inventiveness, and intentness.

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id be fucked then 😆

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Very interesting article - thank you Matthew. During the industrial revolution in Britain it was gifted people cooperating in a crucible of problem solving. They weren't in detached ivory towers. It was the combination of thinkers and do-ers in a close high trust envionment that revolutionised and industrialised. So I think one can say that the industrial revolution was an emergent phenomena.

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So having woke companies hiring the brightest Africans on HB-1 Visas so they can fulfill their DEI requirements will probably harm Africa? Hmm, what can't DEI screw up?

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Germany did precisely this by murdering her Jewish citizens. And yet, modern Germany is far from destitute. It is not as innovative as America, but it is quite functional.

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"Germany did precisely this by murdering her Jewish citizens."

With this, I agree.

"And yet, modern Germany is far from destitute."

But with this, not so much.

Germany has made so many really stupid decisions, especially in the last few years. One of the big ones is subservience to the United States.

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That is a good point. But are these foolish decisions (de-industrialization, green power at the expense of nuclear, etc) the consequence of the holocaust?

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"But are these foolish decisions (de-industrialization, green power at the expense of nuclear, etc) the consequence of the holocaust?"

Perhaps, but probably not in a direct way. Germany was terribly beaten and demoralized in WWII. Thus, allowing the United States and some European countries to subjugate Germany, and the United States has never let up. However, the worst part is that Germany will not demand their freedom.

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Yes, that was both a tragedy and a huge mistake, but less than <1% of Germany's 1933 population was Jewish. That's roughly half a million people, out of a population of ~65 million.

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Intelligenzaktion – deutsche Aktion gegen die polnische Intelligenz in Oberschlesien – Region Katowice 1939-1940. "Nur die Nation, derer Führungsschicht vernichtet wird, kann man zu Sklaven machen." Die Worte des Kanzlers des 3. Deutschen Reiches, Adolf Hitler, spiegeln am besten die Ziele der Aktion wider

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Wise words for the American people.

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Regarding the Cambodia question - one interesting observation is that the correlation between socio-economic status and IQ is much lower in very poor, undeveloped societies than they are in the developed world, so the Cambodian aristocide had modest effects on its genotypic IQ. Flynn estimated it to be no much more than one IQ point: https://twitter.com/powerfultakes/status/902639901530783744

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Yeah that’s the first footnote.

— Matt

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Too 5% would be 125 iq plus in a white country.

I suspect that the remaining populace could maintain most systems but cutting edge scientific innovation would fall dramatically. Some complex systems might be hard to fix when they break.

But likely the lights wouldn’t go off and the water stop coming out of your tap. The long run effects would be more dramatic then the short run.

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"The long run effects would be more dramatic then the short run."

I agree, but the long run would probably happen quicker than one thinks.

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