The belief in and appearance of systemic racism may be an ineluctable outcome in a diverse society that only allows a limited set of ideas about how human inequality works.
Is it possible that people begin selecting into progressive environments over time in a way that would produce this pattern? For instance, it could be that Minnesota really is great at helping minorities relative to other states and that people who need help move there (or move away less often) for precisely that reason?
"Any open-minded person can - if the will is there - find persuasive, evidence-based refutations of MSM narratives [like systemic racism] with their wilful seeking of ‘discrimination’, emotional ‘trauma’ and minority victimisation stories often diametrically opposed to evidence. If the will is there – therein lies the rub. As Saul Bellow put it “a great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.”
Is it possible that people begin selecting into progressive environments over time in a way that would produce this pattern? For instance, it could be that Minnesota really is great at helping minorities relative to other states and that people who need help move there (or move away less often) for precisely that reason?
"Any open-minded person can - if the will is there - find persuasive, evidence-based refutations of MSM narratives [like systemic racism] with their wilful seeking of ‘discrimination’, emotional ‘trauma’ and minority victimisation stories often diametrically opposed to evidence. If the will is there – therein lies the rub. As Saul Bellow put it “a great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep.”