Hello Peter, there is also the take on America (or "end-times Babylon" headquarters) from the Judeo-Christian prophetic vantage — which is batting a thousand so far — and has keen discernment in socio-geo-political and spiritual realms in what one might call an encroaching dystopian darkness in our world somewhat akin to the Shadow of Mordor.
Although I'm not in the U.S. now it is the land of my birth and love, and poet-seers are mandated to say what they see, else we are worthless. As Ferlinghetti said in *Poetry As Insurgent Art*, "If you would be a poet, create works capable of answering the challenge of apocalyptic times, even if this means sounding apocalyptic."
I generally consider narratives from religion to be literary. Even if elements of the narrative are true or grounded in fact or history, it's communicated through highly poetic language with literary archetypes.
So what, other than a desire to be cheerful, is the evidence that America is *not* in decline? Some "doomers" are over the top, sure. How is that proof that the central thesis of decline is wrong?
At age 72 I can give full rein to my doomster side "What are you/we/they going to do about the West's woke doom-spiral?" "Nothing much" is the answer. Thanks to decades of (vastly expanded tertiary' education (in the 95% lefty academy) millions of middle class people in the professional/managerial classes are (politically-speaking ) now full of shit. So how does Western civilisation 'recover' from this? It doesn't. Liberal individualism was great while it lasted. But it carried the seeds of its own demise (a tendency to narcissism, social fragmentation, atomisation etc etc) and now its day is done. All civilisations eventually fail; this is how ours does. https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/
It's taking longer than expected but sooner than later the understanding will emerge that the underlying process taking place is the Geopolitical Tectonic Shift. Simply stated, the West is sinking and the East is rising. It's the culmination of 500 years of the dominance of the European Empire, in its various forms. It's a natural process and there's nothing anyone can do about it. For more info, go to https://sitrepworld.info/category/rogers-blog/
I try to take a relatively neutral view of the future. I remember listening to an interview with Gore Vidal conducted in the 1970's. He had extremely pessimistic things to say about where the US was trending. Many others were in this camp as well during that time. Now it's almost 50 years later and the country has held on pretty well in many respects. There are too many variables at play for anyone to have very much certainty about the future.
I think Peter Zeihan shouldn't be included in the list of Doomers, since he is saying that America will have its downs but will eventually enjoy a splendid isolation
Yeah I agree--I wouldn't actually equate the Weinstein bros with Alex Jones. But I think they broadly see the world similarly--the Weinsteins (especially Eric) are just far less hyperbolic. In terms of Jones, I have a hard to telling when he's sincere vs when he's just being an entertainer. While I think it's safe to say that Eric is sincere in his views.
Hello Peter, there is also the take on America (or "end-times Babylon" headquarters) from the Judeo-Christian prophetic vantage — which is batting a thousand so far — and has keen discernment in socio-geo-political and spiritual realms in what one might call an encroaching dystopian darkness in our world somewhat akin to the Shadow of Mordor.
Although I'm not in the U.S. now it is the land of my birth and love, and poet-seers are mandated to say what they see, else we are worthless. As Ferlinghetti said in *Poetry As Insurgent Art*, "If you would be a poet, create works capable of answering the challenge of apocalyptic times, even if this means sounding apocalyptic."
I generally consider narratives from religion to be literary. Even if elements of the narrative are true or grounded in fact or history, it's communicated through highly poetic language with literary archetypes.
So what, other than a desire to be cheerful, is the evidence that America is *not* in decline? Some "doomers" are over the top, sure. How is that proof that the central thesis of decline is wrong?
At age 72 I can give full rein to my doomster side "What are you/we/they going to do about the West's woke doom-spiral?" "Nothing much" is the answer. Thanks to decades of (vastly expanded tertiary' education (in the 95% lefty academy) millions of middle class people in the professional/managerial classes are (politically-speaking ) now full of shit. So how does Western civilisation 'recover' from this? It doesn't. Liberal individualism was great while it lasted. But it carried the seeds of its own demise (a tendency to narcissism, social fragmentation, atomisation etc etc) and now its day is done. All civilisations eventually fail; this is how ours does. https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/
It's taking longer than expected but sooner than later the understanding will emerge that the underlying process taking place is the Geopolitical Tectonic Shift. Simply stated, the West is sinking and the East is rising. It's the culmination of 500 years of the dominance of the European Empire, in its various forms. It's a natural process and there's nothing anyone can do about it. For more info, go to https://sitrepworld.info/category/rogers-blog/
I try to take a relatively neutral view of the future. I remember listening to an interview with Gore Vidal conducted in the 1970's. He had extremely pessimistic things to say about where the US was trending. Many others were in this camp as well during that time. Now it's almost 50 years later and the country has held on pretty well in many respects. There are too many variables at play for anyone to have very much certainty about the future.
I think Peter Zeihan shouldn't be included in the list of Doomers, since he is saying that America will have its downs but will eventually enjoy a splendid isolation
Yeah I agree--I wouldn't actually equate the Weinstein bros with Alex Jones. But I think they broadly see the world similarly--the Weinsteins (especially Eric) are just far less hyperbolic. In terms of Jones, I have a hard to telling when he's sincere vs when he's just being an entertainer. While I think it's safe to say that Eric is sincere in his views.