Listen now | In part two of my sperm donor conception story, I speak to my half-sister for the first time and learn that the rabbit hole goes far, far deeper.
Intriguing and haphazard upbringing. Probably what made you so unique. I inherited my high IQ from my father, mother I would say is average. Very industrious, socially astute, etc. Father was an alcoholic, functioning and industrious, but never quite intellectually there due to the drinking. I was raised thinking drinking alcohol whilst driving was normal - trying to get him into intellectual debates with me but his brain "collapsing" due to the alcohol. So I can relate to being left with people around you who never could understand you well enough to help you put the IQ to use when young. Can't blame my dad, his dad died when he was 10 - nearly died of liver failure himself a few years back and is now off the grog entirely which is good post-65 and getting better. But.. definitely a weird environment, to have your IQ not be able to be reciprocated by the environment. We were distant with my dads side of the family and surrounded by my mother's, whom I adore, but intellectually there is no connection. Curiosity thankfully, but not... you know. It's not the same. At least your story seems to have had a happy ending all round in your life Matt :). I hope since this time you have had some happy times with your family :D.
Intriguing and haphazard upbringing. Probably what made you so unique. I inherited my high IQ from my father, mother I would say is average. Very industrious, socially astute, etc. Father was an alcoholic, functioning and industrious, but never quite intellectually there due to the drinking. I was raised thinking drinking alcohol whilst driving was normal - trying to get him into intellectual debates with me but his brain "collapsing" due to the alcohol. So I can relate to being left with people around you who never could understand you well enough to help you put the IQ to use when young. Can't blame my dad, his dad died when he was 10 - nearly died of liver failure himself a few years back and is now off the grog entirely which is good post-65 and getting better. But.. definitely a weird environment, to have your IQ not be able to be reciprocated by the environment. We were distant with my dads side of the family and surrounded by my mother's, whom I adore, but intellectually there is no connection. Curiosity thankfully, but not... you know. It's not the same. At least your story seems to have had a happy ending all round in your life Matt :). I hope since this time you have had some happy times with your family :D.
"my mother is, to put it British-ly, well endowed"
fascinating but - is there more to the story? are you doing it in many parts?
Yes, many, many parts!
Apologies, only just got round to replying to this. Very glad you enjoyed the piece and I hope you've found some solace in your origin story!