Could you help me? Years ago, I subscribed to the Journal Intelligence but let my subscription lapse. I would appreciate information on receiving the Journal or any other Journal on intelligence. Thanks
"This is unfortunate since it is easy to overfit a model even with cross-validation. "
Over-fitting shouldn't be a concern, unless he used the cross-validation testing to set hyperparameters (but you didn't say whether he did that). In general, cross-validation is just a way to get the benefits of a hold-out set without wasting as much hold-out data.
I can debunk this already. Einstein would not have falling into this data. He didn't hit his largest cognitive growth spurt until his late teens or early 20s. This information is once again based on flawed data and the outside perspectives not internal. It also is about an education system success and in our future will that even have value?
Our education system is a 2D based system and we will need the most creatively intelligent to survive. We will need all those spatially gifted people to survive. Ask Profoundly Gifted (PG) Researcher Dr. Linda Silverman. She is the first to write and say that the PG brightest have the latest cognitive growth spurts.
You have been and are still missing all the brilliant neurodivergent geniuses out there with this data. We have pushed the smartest out with the current education system style and then you use your own data to prove your right. It is the snake biting its own tail, never to get out of the cycle.
You may find the case of this academic plagiarist interesting:
Could you help me? Years ago, I subscribed to the Journal Intelligence but let my subscription lapse. I would appreciate information on receiving the Journal or any other Journal on intelligence. Thanks
"This is unfortunate since it is easy to overfit a model even with cross-validation. "
Over-fitting shouldn't be a concern, unless he used the cross-validation testing to set hyperparameters (but you didn't say whether he did that). In general, cross-validation is just a way to get the benefits of a hold-out set without wasting as much hold-out data.
I can debunk this already. Einstein would not have falling into this data. He didn't hit his largest cognitive growth spurt until his late teens or early 20s. This information is once again based on flawed data and the outside perspectives not internal. It also is about an education system success and in our future will that even have value?
Our education system is a 2D based system and we will need the most creatively intelligent to survive. We will need all those spatially gifted people to survive. Ask Profoundly Gifted (PG) Researcher Dr. Linda Silverman. She is the first to write and say that the PG brightest have the latest cognitive growth spurts.
You have been and are still missing all the brilliant neurodivergent geniuses out there with this data. We have pushed the smartest out with the current education system style and then you use your own data to prove your right. It is the snake biting its own tail, never to get out of the cycle.