In the UK 10% today (20% tomorrow) of any institution must be at least "ethnic minority", i.e. NOT "White British" (perish the thought, if not yet the people). Nice to find some corner free from the DIE totalitarianism.

David Ashton, an English heterosexual man

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My comment for the AMA:

Why does the HBD community identify so much with the political right? Please note: I'm not saying that the political left is better. I'm simply arguing that both the "left" and the "right" have become outgrowths of the same artificial consensus. Wouldn't it be better to reach out to everyone, regardless of whether they identify as "right," "left," or "center"?

Peter Frost, Canada

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aproria's mission seems to be employing northern european white men :)

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Somebody bloody has to I guess (insert David Brent meme)

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Noah Carl, Justin Murphy and I should do a podcast together where we just talk about how we all look like each other

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yeah i've wondered. i actually know someone in austin who kind of looks like you guys too besdies justin

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lol well i don't know who my biological dad is, so anything is possible

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Holding out that we have the same dad.

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I wish someone would explain in layman's terms how regression to the mean works with respect to IQ over multiple generations. I believe it's not as simple as most people think because additive and random genetic factors both need to be taken into account.

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Jul 8, 2023·edited Jul 8, 2023

Do you think current and projected human selection pressures, i.e. grounded in increased material wealth and the expansion of western norms globally, will positively select for sharper behavioural dimorphism resulting in more feminine women and independent men? (ps I do)

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Do you have any advice for autistic people of relatively high but not extraordinary intelligence (in my case, 119)? What should verbally strong, mathematically weak people do to create maximum value and impact?

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