This article rehearses a politically 'incorrect' truth that has been evidentially shown to be true over and over again. But bien pensant white Western opinion just won't have it...and will metaphorically stick its finger in its ears over and over again. It's an impasse.

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Some spot on insights

Worth noting that Caribbean immigrants to the USA, Canada, UK, outperform locals in the new countries by a wide margin. Those that remain in the islands are usually not so driven and tend to latch on to the victim mentality that one sees in North America as an excuse. The biggest hurdle we face is ourselves.

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Might it be the case that a major predictor of success in a new environment is that the relocation was undertaken as a part of a family's plan to advance themselves in some fashion not readily available to them in their native land?

This would then put the family in the group of individuals who actively plan and execute, rather than passively exist with minimal planning or foresight.

I think that these two groups mentioned exist in all ethnicities/races to varying degrees.

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Edit needed: “The consistency of minority groups’ success suggests they have certain traits conducive to the achievement high socio-economic status.”

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Edit needed: “A recurring theme in the literature on entrepreneurship in the West Indies is that blacks do not supportive of each other to the same degree.”

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What I found particularly interesting about this was that behaviour the authour describes among black Jamaicans - conspicuous consumption (which does not enhance productivity) and pushing children out of the family business and into professions where they also consume conspicuously, as opposed to a modest lifestyle and keeping them in the business, and building networks along ethnic lines - well, we see the same thing among Anglo-Australians.

I’d suggest that a lot of the problems Australia is concerned about - declining birth rate, rising house prices, demographic changes leading to increased aged and healthcare costs, etc - come down to this culture of conspicuous consumption and not considering family and national wealth.

Anglo-Australians think like poor black Jamaicans. This is why Asians and Jews are able to build wealth so well, while the Anglo-Australians keep demanding government handouts.

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The relevant dynamic is that all shades of western political opinion are agreed on taking a whole series of actions to address any deficit in educational and economic performance by people of black or mostly black African descent. Eg in the UK the initial botched investigation of the murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence by a group of whites in the 90s was turned into a crusade by the Daily Mail. They contrasted the budding architect Stephen Lawrence with the semi illiterate white youths. The resulting judicial inquiry created the phrase "institutional racism "which can be applied to any part of British society to force "change "on it to accommodate minorities which usually means blacks or Muslims, who have also benefitted from it through the equally submitting and paralysing smear of" islamophobia".

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