It's not just females that this is done to. The infamous list of “black inventions” is embarrassing when you look into it.

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No, you don't understand. A black man once filed a patent for a new type of traffic light that nobody has ever used since. That means that evolution stopped after we left Africa.

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My favourite one is the claim that black women invented mathematics. The argument is this: a large pile of gnawed bones was found in a pit where they had been thrown by early African hominids. The bones were of varied length and varied gnawed-ness. One of the bones happened to have 28 teeth marks scratched into it. So obviously this is proof that the females among those early hominids had invented mathematics so that they could predict their periods and control their fertility like a modern boss babe.

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"Less clear examples of her photographs had been taken before the war. The key was getting them sharper, a difficult task, which Franklin had already succeeded at by April of 1952"

So was this improved technique a significant *experimental* accomplishment? It seems like that's a key question that the article doesn't really answer; rather, the article is focused on her lack of *theoretical* contribution to interpreting the photographs, but Nobel prizes are frequently given for purely experimental work (not saying she should have gotten one, just curious to understand better how impressive her experimental contribution was).

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Perhaps someone needs to correct Wokipedia.

'In April 2023, scientists, based on new evidence, concluded that Rosalind Franklin was a contributor and "equal player" in the discovery process of DNA, rather than otherwise, as may have been presented subsequently after the time of the discovery.[10][11][12]'

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thank you for doing this.

the race & gender communists are as dishonest and willing to rewrite all of history to suit their ideological goals as were their grandparents, the Soviet communists.

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Now do Henrietta Lacks.

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