The typical picture in people’s minds of hyperinflation is one of poverty and money stacked up on wheelbarrows. But that doesn’t paint the complete picture...
"by printing money like we did during 2020 and 2021, they’re not only making the average person worse off. They’re also incentivising speculation, benefiting those who are already at the top of the pyramid."
That isn't an unintended consequence arising from economic illiteracy, it's the entire purpose of an inflatable debt-based fiat currency. The goal of the Fed, and every other central bank, has been from day one to enrich the parasitic usurers at the expense of the productive economy, but to do so gradually enough that most people don't notice.
"by printing money like we did during 2020 and 2021, they’re not only making the average person worse off. They’re also incentivising speculation, benefiting those who are already at the top of the pyramid."
That isn't an unintended consequence arising from economic illiteracy, it's the entire purpose of an inflatable debt-based fiat currency. The goal of the Fed, and every other central bank, has been from day one to enrich the parasitic usurers at the expense of the productive economy, but to do so gradually enough that most people don't notice.
It's a racket