This discussion is about a single entity that masquerades as two separate entities. In other words, the Deep States is pretending to be conservative/liberal or Republican/Democrat when, in fact, it is all a charade. On all essential issues, there is only one position: the Deep States position, which is to accrue as much power, wealth, and control as possible.
Those of us who are skilful with words and believe that critical discourse leads to truth can be blind to the meaning of obvious falsehoods. Thus, what can it mean to say "all illegal immigrants are rapists"? It means that elites are indifferent, at best, to the quality of immigrants and to the effects on the poor and immobile natives.
I really dig the format of these Philo-sophical Meander-ings.
Bo is the one at the helm of each participant in this convo? Well done! Sharp, comprehensive guy.
I don't always agree with him, but he's one of the best writers -- and clearest thinkers -- around.
This discussion is about a single entity that masquerades as two separate entities. In other words, the Deep States is pretending to be conservative/liberal or Republican/Democrat when, in fact, it is all a charade. On all essential issues, there is only one position: the Deep States position, which is to accrue as much power, wealth, and control as possible.
Those of us who are skilful with words and believe that critical discourse leads to truth can be blind to the meaning of obvious falsehoods. Thus, what can it mean to say "all illegal immigrants are rapists"? It means that elites are indifferent, at best, to the quality of immigrants and to the effects on the poor and immobile natives.