Anyone who has lived through the Trump and Biden presidencies (which included an actual professional wrestling celebrity as a president) cannot deny we are already living in Idiocracy.
The writer of Idiocracy drew such a comparison at Trump's expense, before Trump was elected, if I remember correctly. Biden seems to be just a boring typically-capable non-notable president, but the comparison may be valid for Trump. The election of Trump seemingly marked a national political realignment from racial division to class division. The Democratic Party went from more non-White to more the party of the well-educated bourgeois upper class (higher IQ), while the Republican Party went from more White to more the party of the proletarian lower class (lower IQ).
Political alignment has much more to do with gender than IQ. The majority of college educated men vote Republican, now.
The correlation with education (which you state is a function of IQ; not sure I agree there even as someone with a Ph.D.) also makes little sense since essentially every policy of the Democratic party is based on emotional manipulation with little basis in actual functioning reality. The entire BLM movement is based on an emotionally manipulative baseless conspiracy theory. Democrats also believe the obvious fallacy of "modern monetary policy" that we will only be able to escape from if AI and fusion energy can outgrow our GDP from the current bubble of hopes and dreams. Conservatively speaking, there is about 4x more debt than actual value in our economy, but, hey, I'm rooting for AI and fusion.
This Pew spreadsheet provides the numbers. With the "2020 Biden vote" column and the "Men, College grad+" row (row #147), Biden has 58, vs. Trump's 40. Even if we proceed to isolate Whites within those groups (row #153), Biden had an advantage (54 to Trump's 44).
Conservatives have leaned heavily on the point that Biden is an incoherent doddering old fool, but they need to depend on a few cherry-picked anecdotes to make that point. Such a selection of anecdotes can make anyone look like anything. Trump trumpeted that claim against Biden, and watching the debates made the audience think, "Ummm... I am not seeing what you are seeing." Partisans committed themselves to a similar error against President George W. Bush; they made him look like a blithering idiot, and yet everything in his biographic profile, and everyone who personally knew him, suggested the opposite.
I seem to recall a study which showed a negative correlation between academic achievement on the one hand, and of both sexual activity and number of children on the other hand. At least the people portrayed in "Idiocracy", some five hundred years in the future, seem not to be physically inferior.
Anyone who has lived through the Trump and Biden presidencies (which included an actual professional wrestling celebrity as a president) cannot deny we are already living in Idiocracy.
The writer of Idiocracy drew such a comparison at Trump's expense, before Trump was elected, if I remember correctly. Biden seems to be just a boring typically-capable non-notable president, but the comparison may be valid for Trump. The election of Trump seemingly marked a national political realignment from racial division to class division. The Democratic Party went from more non-White to more the party of the well-educated bourgeois upper class (higher IQ), while the Republican Party went from more White to more the party of the proletarian lower class (lower IQ).
Political alignment has much more to do with gender than IQ. The majority of college educated men vote Republican, now.
The correlation with education (which you state is a function of IQ; not sure I agree there even as someone with a Ph.D.) also makes little sense since essentially every policy of the Democratic party is based on emotional manipulation with little basis in actual functioning reality. The entire BLM movement is based on an emotionally manipulative baseless conspiracy theory. Democrats also believe the obvious fallacy of "modern monetary policy" that we will only be able to escape from if AI and fusion energy can outgrow our GDP from the current bubble of hopes and dreams. Conservatively speaking, there is about 4x more debt than actual value in our economy, but, hey, I'm rooting for AI and fusion.
This Pew spreadsheet provides the numbers. With the "2020 Biden vote" column and the "Men, College grad+" row (row #147), Biden has 58, vs. Trump's 40. Even if we proceed to isolate Whites within those groups (row #153), Biden had an advantage (54 to Trump's 44).
This NYT article provides an overview (use the Brave browser to get the full text):
A tectonic shift really is happening. The political parties are becoming more and more about class differences.
Biden is the opposite of typically-capable. He's not even coherent. Not that Trump is great either, don't get me wrong.
Conservatives have leaned heavily on the point that Biden is an incoherent doddering old fool, but they need to depend on a few cherry-picked anecdotes to make that point. Such a selection of anecdotes can make anyone look like anything. Trump trumpeted that claim against Biden, and watching the debates made the audience think, "Ummm... I am not seeing what you are seeing." Partisans committed themselves to a similar error against President George W. Bush; they made him look like a blithering idiot, and yet everything in his biographic profile, and everyone who personally knew him, suggested the opposite.
What a clever observation! Any others you care to share, Clevon?
Correct the spelling of “steal” to “steel”!
Thank you for that correction, I should not have misquoted Flynn with my own bad spelling.
Edward Dutton (The Jolly Heretic on Odysee and also Bitchute ) has done a lot of looking into this subject:
You might try getting on his show, I'm sure it would be a fascinating conversation.
I would love to be on his show. This particular disagreement of ours is only a small one. I mostly agree with him.
I seem to recall a study which showed a negative correlation between academic achievement on the one hand, and of both sexual activity and number of children on the other hand. At least the people portrayed in "Idiocracy", some five hundred years in the future, seem not to be physically inferior.
My article was declined from publication within Journal of Intelligence. So, I expect this knowledge will remain obscure for the foreseeable future.