The truth of slavery will never be told extensively until the grift becomes worthless to the race hustlers . Several years ago I came across some records in the Savanna Society wrt slavery and required treatment of slaves by their Southern masters. The papers recounted the ordinances passed regarding punishment and caring for slaves. Made sense. The Southerners of the time were (rightly) fearful of slave uprisings. One recalcitrant slave owner could set off a rebellion of irate slaves slitting their throats in the night, so treatment limits were set forth and codified. Of course, none of that is ever mentioned in modern media representation of the era and the evil of slavery. Can’t have the truth get in the way of a good story and the ensuing and profitable “White” guilt.
In 1830, there were 3,775 black (including mixed-race) slaveholders in the South who owned a total of 12,760 slaves. The last Confederate General to surrender was Cherokee and a slave owner.
In addition there is this quote...
"There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs."
Yes, it seems that the “talented tenth” who came up from slavery, or recent slavery urged their people to strive and believed in merit. Why not, they were all men of merit themselves. Unfortunately it seems they all passed into history and their successors have taken the more profitable “low” road of quota’s and equity. And here we are today.
Indeed. The Left choose Frederick Douglas as reference and largely ignore B.T. Washington. Here is another quote of his:
"After making careful inquiry I can not find a half a dozen cases of a man or woman who has completed a full course of education in any of our reputable institutions like Hampton, Tuskegee, Fiske, or Atlanta, who are imprisoned. The records of the South show that 90 percent of the colored people imprisoned are without knowledge of trades and 61 percent are illiterate. But it has been said that the negro proves economically valueless in proportion as he is educated. Let us see. All will agree that the negro in Virginia, for example, began life forty years ago in complete poverty, scarcely owning clothing or a day's food. The reports of the State auditor show the negro today owns at least one twenty-sixth of the real estate in that Commonwealth exclusive of his holdings in towns and cities, and that in the counties east of the Blue Ridge Mountains he owns one-sixteenth. In Middlesex County he owns one-sixth: in Hanover, one-fourth. In Georgia the official records show that, largely through the influence of educated men and women from Atlanta schools and others, the negroes added last year $1,526,000 to their taxable property, making the total amount upon which they pay taxes in that State alone $16,700,000. Few people realize under the most difficult and trying circumstances, during the last forty years, it has been the educated negro who counseled patience, self-control, and thus averted a war of races. Every negro going out of our institutions properly educated becomes a link in the chain that shall forever bind the two races together in all essentials of life."
(1902), Progress of a Race: Or, The Remarkable Advancement of the Afro-American
"Of course, the existence of non-white slave-owners does not absolve the sins of whites."
Prior to the abolition of slavery it was not considered a crime or 'sinful' to own or enslave people and this was true across the planet. It was 'whitey' that decided it was a crime and a sin and so added new rules to the World. From that point on it was sinful. It is unhelpful and unjust to judge our ancestors using modern laws.
A well-written piece. I can recall when I first came across the complexity and historical depth of the practice of slavery during my undergraduate years in the Anthropology Department at the University of Chicago. I chuckled at the title of this piece - "Are there convenient facts about slavery that I've missed?"
Historical slavery in the jingoist, simplistic way it is used as a political cudgel has quite literally nothing to teach us. The ridiculously embarrassing spectacle of insanely privileged Members of Congress in 2023 who happen to have skin derived from African progenitors, cheering for "reparations" for themselves is nothing more than one chunk of people randomly deciding to steal from other taxpayers for no reason.
Nowhere in the kabuki theatre of Race Hustling which has become synonymous with the Democrat Party is there any acknowledgement of the facts that slavery has existed in every society for millennia and that if they are going apportion virtue and sin, then they had better start thanking "White" European culture for developing the ideas which resulted in abolition.
Not one single African person was ever captured by a "White" European for the entirety of the horrific crime against humanity known as the transatlantic slave trade. Every single person sold into slavery was sold into that bondage by an African who had captured or bought that enslaved African.
And all that is aside from all the details point out by the author.
None of that makes anything about slavery right.
What is important is that Western Civilization put an end to slavery everywhere Western norms prevail today on this planet. Whilst slavery still exists in Africa, in Asia, in the Middle East and - arguably - in much of Latin America in the form of land debt peonage.
The rank absurdity of Members of Congress making $180,000 per year shedding crocodile tears over something that ended in 1865, while demanding ridiculously that hardworking Americans of all flavors cough up trillions of dollars to be handed over to people alive today in a grift called "reparations" is so beyond offensive, it is a miracle that any marginally rational person can speak about it with cursing in disgust and despair.
We cannot change the past. We can work each day to make the future better for our children. Bitching about a fantastical version of a bad historical reality does nothing but create social disharmony which is what all Leftists want so they can seize power and discard the rule of law and the norms of Western culture. I have no idea what these idiots think they are going to replace it with, and I guarantee you they don't either.
This is spectacular, saving a lot of what you wrote for future reference. Not to doubt you, but where would one confirm this: "Not one single African person was ever captured by a 'White' European for the entirety of the horrific crime against humanity known as the transatlantic slave trade. Every single person sold into slavery was sold into that bondage by an African who had captured or bought that enslaved African." ? Was there truly never an instance of Europeans arriving in Africa and taking slaves themselves?
Go dive into the historical research; start with the Encyclopedia Britannica, say, or dig into reputable historians.
To my knowledge, no, no European slave traders were insane enough to venture into hostile territory to try to capture people as prisoners. Why bother when you could just buy them already shackled, beaten and demoralized? Europeans did not sail to the Slave Coast with militaries - they were trading ships counting costs, so every additional mercenary over what was needed for security would just eat into profits.
Slavemasters in the Antebellum South generally were benevolent. Take Jefferson Davis for example; he had a free black overseer of his plantations, and Mr. Davis only punished his slaves by an all-black jury, presided over by a black judge. He only reserved the authority to commute or pardon sentences.
You can listen to a recording of George Johnson, former slave of Jefferson Davis, describing the institution of slavery on Mr. Davis' plantations here, at the Library of Congress:
He says that all the slaves were given a common education, and that the slaves were treated respectfully by Mr. Davis, and that they gave honor to their master, and obeyed him.
Mass incarceration of blacks in America today is worse than Antebellum slavery.
When I was in high school 50 years ago, I read many of the slave narratives that were collected in the 1930s. I was really surprised how many of them seemed to regard that experience as positive (although there were plenty of harrowing tales and beatings too). Some of this was obviously old people looking at their past nostalgically but no one has ever written nostalgically about time spent in Auschwitz or the Kolyma gold mines.
Actually, they have but it doesn't fit the narrative. I suggest taking a look at the 10 part doco called "Europa the last battle" for an evidence based fresh look at recent history.
This is hard-wired into every surviving culture, in my opinion.
Those cultures that did not desire to subjugate were themselves subjugated and either no longer exist (genocide or absorption) or are in the process of genocide or absorption.
Tales of blacks owning slaves in the United States would be rebuffed immediately with claims that the practice was only taught to them by the White Man, who remains ultimately at fault. I would focus more on the omnipresence of non-whites enslaving other non-whites throughout history in order to debunk the notion that slavery is somehow the white man's invention. But really, the whole endeavor is a bit silly. Anyone who buys into racial grievance narratives obviously isn't going to let such petty inconveniences as truth and reason get in the way of their self-righteous victim narratives.
Some social issues, although perhaps irrational, remain constant topics of conversation. It is so with Black slavery in America. This question will remain a topic of conversation for a long time. But, some things make a man happy, like this:
Maybe it's worth mentioning here that viking scandinavians were slave-owners of their own accord and that the words "slave" and "slav" are etymologically connected.
"In the ninth century alone, the Vikings sold tens of thousands of whites to the Arabs of Spain."
In the ninth century there were no "whites." The concept of whiteness or the white race only comes into existence many centuries later - specifically to create a distinction to naturalize the chattel slavery of black people and to undermine the solidarity between enslaved Europeans and Africans.
I have never read a historical account of slavery in the Americas that doesn't discuss how Europeans were also subject to slavery - the author is arguing against a red Herring.
It is awesome that you always read the Cambridge Volumes on Slavery that explore the enslavement of whites. Secondly, what matters is that some people are phenotypically white and were enslaved, whether the concept exists or not is irrelevant. The notion of blackness is also fraught with tension. Moreover, the idea that whites were enslaved is foreign to many Westerners, especially some Americans who think that slavery was invented by the United States of America. Thanks for reading Aporia. We cover the best stories online
The truth of slavery will never be told extensively until the grift becomes worthless to the race hustlers . Several years ago I came across some records in the Savanna Society wrt slavery and required treatment of slaves by their Southern masters. The papers recounted the ordinances passed regarding punishment and caring for slaves. Made sense. The Southerners of the time were (rightly) fearful of slave uprisings. One recalcitrant slave owner could set off a rebellion of irate slaves slitting their throats in the night, so treatment limits were set forth and codified. Of course, none of that is ever mentioned in modern media representation of the era and the evil of slavery. Can’t have the truth get in the way of a good story and the ensuing and profitable “White” guilt.
In 1830, there were 3,775 black (including mixed-race) slaveholders in the South who owned a total of 12,760 slaves. The last Confederate General to surrender was Cherokee and a slave owner.
In addition there is this quote...
"There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs-partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs."
Booker Taliaferro Washington
Yes, it seems that the “talented tenth” who came up from slavery, or recent slavery urged their people to strive and believed in merit. Why not, they were all men of merit themselves. Unfortunately it seems they all passed into history and their successors have taken the more profitable “low” road of quota’s and equity. And here we are today.
Indeed. The Left choose Frederick Douglas as reference and largely ignore B.T. Washington. Here is another quote of his:
"After making careful inquiry I can not find a half a dozen cases of a man or woman who has completed a full course of education in any of our reputable institutions like Hampton, Tuskegee, Fiske, or Atlanta, who are imprisoned. The records of the South show that 90 percent of the colored people imprisoned are without knowledge of trades and 61 percent are illiterate. But it has been said that the negro proves economically valueless in proportion as he is educated. Let us see. All will agree that the negro in Virginia, for example, began life forty years ago in complete poverty, scarcely owning clothing or a day's food. The reports of the State auditor show the negro today owns at least one twenty-sixth of the real estate in that Commonwealth exclusive of his holdings in towns and cities, and that in the counties east of the Blue Ridge Mountains he owns one-sixteenth. In Middlesex County he owns one-sixth: in Hanover, one-fourth. In Georgia the official records show that, largely through the influence of educated men and women from Atlanta schools and others, the negroes added last year $1,526,000 to their taxable property, making the total amount upon which they pay taxes in that State alone $16,700,000. Few people realize under the most difficult and trying circumstances, during the last forty years, it has been the educated negro who counseled patience, self-control, and thus averted a war of races. Every negro going out of our institutions properly educated becomes a link in the chain that shall forever bind the two races together in all essentials of life."
(1902), Progress of a Race: Or, The Remarkable Advancement of the Afro-American
All good except this:
"Of course, the existence of non-white slave-owners does not absolve the sins of whites."
Prior to the abolition of slavery it was not considered a crime or 'sinful' to own or enslave people and this was true across the planet. It was 'whitey' that decided it was a crime and a sin and so added new rules to the World. From that point on it was sinful. It is unhelpful and unjust to judge our ancestors using modern laws.
A well-written piece. I can recall when I first came across the complexity and historical depth of the practice of slavery during my undergraduate years in the Anthropology Department at the University of Chicago. I chuckled at the title of this piece - "Are there convenient facts about slavery that I've missed?"
Historical slavery in the jingoist, simplistic way it is used as a political cudgel has quite literally nothing to teach us. The ridiculously embarrassing spectacle of insanely privileged Members of Congress in 2023 who happen to have skin derived from African progenitors, cheering for "reparations" for themselves is nothing more than one chunk of people randomly deciding to steal from other taxpayers for no reason.
Nowhere in the kabuki theatre of Race Hustling which has become synonymous with the Democrat Party is there any acknowledgement of the facts that slavery has existed in every society for millennia and that if they are going apportion virtue and sin, then they had better start thanking "White" European culture for developing the ideas which resulted in abolition.
Not one single African person was ever captured by a "White" European for the entirety of the horrific crime against humanity known as the transatlantic slave trade. Every single person sold into slavery was sold into that bondage by an African who had captured or bought that enslaved African.
And all that is aside from all the details point out by the author.
None of that makes anything about slavery right.
What is important is that Western Civilization put an end to slavery everywhere Western norms prevail today on this planet. Whilst slavery still exists in Africa, in Asia, in the Middle East and - arguably - in much of Latin America in the form of land debt peonage.
The rank absurdity of Members of Congress making $180,000 per year shedding crocodile tears over something that ended in 1865, while demanding ridiculously that hardworking Americans of all flavors cough up trillions of dollars to be handed over to people alive today in a grift called "reparations" is so beyond offensive, it is a miracle that any marginally rational person can speak about it with cursing in disgust and despair.
We cannot change the past. We can work each day to make the future better for our children. Bitching about a fantastical version of a bad historical reality does nothing but create social disharmony which is what all Leftists want so they can seize power and discard the rule of law and the norms of Western culture. I have no idea what these idiots think they are going to replace it with, and I guarantee you they don't either.
This is spectacular, saving a lot of what you wrote for future reference. Not to doubt you, but where would one confirm this: "Not one single African person was ever captured by a 'White' European for the entirety of the horrific crime against humanity known as the transatlantic slave trade. Every single person sold into slavery was sold into that bondage by an African who had captured or bought that enslaved African." ? Was there truly never an instance of Europeans arriving in Africa and taking slaves themselves?
• “Who Brought the Slaves to America – Walter White Jr”
Go dive into the historical research; start with the Encyclopedia Britannica, say, or dig into reputable historians.
To my knowledge, no, no European slave traders were insane enough to venture into hostile territory to try to capture people as prisoners. Why bother when you could just buy them already shackled, beaten and demoralized? Europeans did not sail to the Slave Coast with militaries - they were trading ships counting costs, so every additional mercenary over what was needed for security would just eat into profits.
Thanks the the abusive private message, Christopher. I see that you cannot dispute what I said with facts, just emotions. Quite telling, isn't it.
Were the slave traders "European"? Or were they Jewish?
Slavemasters in the Antebellum South generally were benevolent. Take Jefferson Davis for example; he had a free black overseer of his plantations, and Mr. Davis only punished his slaves by an all-black jury, presided over by a black judge. He only reserved the authority to commute or pardon sentences.
You can listen to a recording of George Johnson, former slave of Jefferson Davis, describing the institution of slavery on Mr. Davis' plantations here, at the Library of Congress:
He says that all the slaves were given a common education, and that the slaves were treated respectfully by Mr. Davis, and that they gave honor to their master, and obeyed him.
Mass incarceration of blacks in America today is worse than Antebellum slavery.
When I was in high school 50 years ago, I read many of the slave narratives that were collected in the 1930s. I was really surprised how many of them seemed to regard that experience as positive (although there were plenty of harrowing tales and beatings too). Some of this was obviously old people looking at their past nostalgically but no one has ever written nostalgically about time spent in Auschwitz or the Kolyma gold mines.
Actually, they have but it doesn't fit the narrative. I suggest taking a look at the 10 part doco called "Europa the last battle" for an evidence based fresh look at recent history.
The desire to subjugate seems to be ubiquitous.
This is hard-wired into every surviving culture, in my opinion.
Those cultures that did not desire to subjugate were themselves subjugated and either no longer exist (genocide or absorption) or are in the process of genocide or absorption.
Tales of blacks owning slaves in the United States would be rebuffed immediately with claims that the practice was only taught to them by the White Man, who remains ultimately at fault. I would focus more on the omnipresence of non-whites enslaving other non-whites throughout history in order to debunk the notion that slavery is somehow the white man's invention. But really, the whole endeavor is a bit silly. Anyone who buys into racial grievance narratives obviously isn't going to let such petty inconveniences as truth and reason get in the way of their self-righteous victim narratives.
Nobody can say where or when slavery began but in Africa, it probably spread with the Bantu expansion.
Some social issues, although perhaps irrational, remain constant topics of conversation. It is so with Black slavery in America. This question will remain a topic of conversation for a long time. But, some things make a man happy, like this:
Maybe it's worth mentioning here that viking scandinavians were slave-owners of their own accord and that the words "slave" and "slav" are etymologically connected.
• BLACK WOMAN SAYS "I Don't Give a Shit About Slavery!!!" - bernytree66
"In the ninth century alone, the Vikings sold tens of thousands of whites to the Arabs of Spain."
In the ninth century there were no "whites." The concept of whiteness or the white race only comes into existence many centuries later - specifically to create a distinction to naturalize the chattel slavery of black people and to undermine the solidarity between enslaved Europeans and Africans.
I have never read a historical account of slavery in the Americas that doesn't discuss how Europeans were also subject to slavery - the author is arguing against a red Herring.
It is awesome that you always read the Cambridge Volumes on Slavery that explore the enslavement of whites. Secondly, what matters is that some people are phenotypically white and were enslaved, whether the concept exists or not is irrelevant. The notion of blackness is also fraught with tension. Moreover, the idea that whites were enslaved is foreign to many Westerners, especially some Americans who think that slavery was invented by the United States of America. Thanks for reading Aporia. We cover the best stories online