"Today’s antiracism activists get many things right."

No they don't. What are you on about? Is it crack that you smoke?

>Professor of Sociology

>Distinguished Professor of Sociology

Oh that explains it.

Is this actually what qualifies as sociology research these days? Asking a few basic questions? This is what 'distinguished professors' do? There are high school students that could do this. And probably better.

Also in what way are any of those statements "anti-white" or "anti-black"? How is it anti-black to suggest that black people should work harder, and that literally every other minority group has done just fine despite "white supremacy"? The entire frame of this piece seems to accept the premise that racism is pervasive.

Legitimately anti-white/black statements are those that are a) not true and b) negative. For example "All white people are racist", "white people don't know how to dance", "white men are extremely sexually violent to black women".

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Sociologists are a secular priesthood of egalitarian white saviors who substitute dogma and political activism for scholarship and who imagine they've been gifted with some special wisdom where if only they can homogenize us to share their exact beliefs (the only proper enlightened ones!) we will all follow them to the Promised Land of John Lennon's "Imagine". They are to science what a Hallmark card is to Literature.

But you knew this already!

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Couldn't have said it better myself.

The sad thing is that sociology could be a proper science, if only the pretenders squatting in the tenured chairs could be removed.

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I just read an interesting book about the insularity of sociology, "The Sacred Project Of American Sociology" Christian Smith 2014.

"Contemporary American sociology is, rightly understood, actually a profoundly sacred project at heart. Sociology today is in fact animated by sacred impulses, driven by sacred commitments, and serves a sacred project....

We might start by saying that sociology is about something like exposing, protesting, and ending through social movements, state regulations, and government programs all human inequality, oppression, exploitation, suffering, injustice, poverty, discrimination, exclusion, hierarchy, constraint and domination by, of, and over other humans...

If we had to characterize American sociology’s sacred project in brief, therefore, we might say that it stands in the modern liberal-Enlightenment-Marxist-social-reformist-pragmatist-therapeutic-sexually liberated-civil rights-feminist-GLBTQ-social constructionist- poststructuralist/postmodernist “tradition.” That odd conglomeration, I suggest, conveys much of the lineage, interest, and energy propelling the spiritual project of American sociology."

In the 21st century the priests are professors and the professors are priests. There is just too much social and professional pressure for them to risk contradicting sacred dogma. The modern academy is where thinking goes to die.

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Certain things have to be said, or not said, to get published.

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The word 'activist' always alienates me straight off. I picture a mouthy type who maybe needs to get a life....smell the breeze, read some good novels, generally get over themselves. Then there's 'anti-racist activist'....now that sounds like a kind of closet racist to me. Today's kind "get many things right" you say....I can't imagine how.

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The real question here is not about racism, egalitarian initiatives or what we can do to even the odds. The question is how long will we put up with any of this?

Hungary and Poland spend absolutely nothing on these initiatives. Why is that? Could it be that mixing cultures doesn't work?

Blacks have been in the US for four centuries and 60 percent don't finish high school. The East Asians have only come in numbers in the last two generations and their kids go to MIT.

No one is buying this any more.

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You capitalize Black but not white; your own anti-Whiteness says it all.

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Irish, Italian and Jewish get awarded with capital letters as well.

However, the majority population, the demographic which settled and developed this country from the Atlantic to the Pacific, the race of 350+ years’ heritage who created the nation to which hundreds of millions are desperate to immigrate are relegated to a low-status, lower-case “w”.

Gentlemen (and I use that term advisedly), your naked PREJUDICE and repulsive HYPOCRISY are showing😡🤬.

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I believe there is a concerted effort to cause discord between the races. This effort comes from what I call the Deep State, which aims to cause societal disruption in our civilization.

The best approach to racial problems is to judge people on their merit, not their race.

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The MSM has invested billions in race hate and it is one of their most profitable revenue streams.

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I am almost chomping at the bit to have China take over the world to put this Black and White dichotomy to bed. Then you will get to see what modern racism looks like in all its glory and I for one will be there with my popcorn as I face the wall.

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Seek out Empire of Dust online. A documentary about the Chinese in Africa. You'll see what a rational analysis of modern Africa looks like when political correctness is absent. The Chinese are blunt and have no qualms assessing the capacity of African nations.

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I know it very well. My comment is partially due to that movie and my own time spent working in China.

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The key takeaway from this 'study': Garbage in. Garbage out.


Seems that Science, no matter the area of study, is but a slave to ideology -- of the lib-prog democratic sort.

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Well this certainly seems to vindicate the Scott Adams position.

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For both the article and the comments, the answers about whites/blacks may be difficult to measure and vary according to definitions, but there are real answers to those questions. People's opinions on whether whites think this or blacks do that are rather beside the point. It's like asking whether people think the climate is warming or not, or whether we'll have a wet winter, or whether Trump or Biden will win, or whether vaccines work. Those opinions do tell us some things that might be useful in terms of political strategies, but they tell us nothing about the reality. My opinion about the climate does not change the climate one whit. White people would rather society not change? What's the evidence? It's not really an opinion question. Continually presenting such opinion questions as science questions makes each of us a little more stupid.

This has been happening all over "science" especially social science

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Oct 23, 2023Edited
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"Racist" is just a racial slur for white people at this point. We must make it our word, the r-word, and ruthlessly destroy outgroup members who dare utter it.

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No, there really are racists. They're just not *restricted* to whites.

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What do you mean by racist? Noticing? Pattern recognition? Crime stats?

Majority white nations are decent to the point of suicide. About 90 percent of the world's population views our obsession with racism as absurd.

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