some things about race and IQ that i have difficulty understanding is how some groups of people with an average IQ of 70 (lets not name them) can speak very well also multiple languages have friends be social even funny but plonk them down in front of an IQ test and the "fail". whereas a white kid with an IQ of 70 is almost certainly socially retarded and people know he's not all there..

I think brain differences between the races are far more complex than IQ. it is like some groups developed a complete lack of logical thought process but can learn 3 or 4 languages relatively easily.

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Think of it as male / female height differences.

A smallish woman isn't unheard of and is otherwise in the norm – but a man as small as her would probably have some kind of defect that would be impacting his health or proportions.

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Rushton made the point that college students also have the expected gaps between the Europe and sub-Saharan Africa (30 IQ), which seems to be true, so I doubt that abstract thinking differences is the source of the gap.

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